Katsuki Bakugo - Playing with Fire

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I know it's been a fat minute. Life has been rough. I've moved cross country for the fifth time in two years, and when I can find the time to write I struggle with the motivation. I've even fallen mostly silent on the discord, though I appreciate everyone that checks in on me. I almost feared the spark for my love of books had died.
        But then divergent met dragon fantasy in an enemies to lovers tragic twist that demands I put words to a screen NOW.
        As always, enjoy, and anyone interested in joining the discord is welcome to DM me or put up an announcement on my page.

The holes in Eijiro's jacket, roughly the width of Katsuki's thumb when he stuck it through to examine it, did nothing to keep the blonde from stealing it every chance he got. He started wearing it under his school blazer whenever it was cold so Professor Aizawa couldn't make him take it off. And with the seasons getting colder, that was quickly becoming all the time.

Eijiro never complained when Katsuki did this, just like he never complained whenever Katsuki wore his other stolen clothes. And besides. It was really funny explaining to Mina how exactly the holes had gotten in the jacket. He may have mildly left out who had been wearing it at the time.

Preparations for the upcoming school festival has swung into full gear. A good half of their class had volunteered to learn choreography with Mina and Eijiro. The first years in the supplementary classes had gotten hard at work promoting the event, selling tickets to the families, and preparing the tech back stage. To Katsuki's utter disdain, a truce of sorts had been called with 1B so that the show could go on without competition or hostility, and students from General Studies were also (optionally) encouraged to participate.

He didn't know what that cooperation meant for the teachers' being pool, but he didn't think it was good news.

He did know that it meant the asshats from the other class hung around their dorms a lot more than usual, and that Monoma was doing absolutely everything he could to get on his last nerve. Always in places he didn't belong—the fuck are you doing upstairs, asshat? No, this is not Denki's room.

Inserting himself into conversations that didn't involve him—I'm sure if Kyouka wanted your input on the song list, she would have asked you. Oh, shove it, Hayley Williams, I can call you whatever I want.

And generally being a nuisance—DID YOU TOUCH MY DRUM SET?!

So Katsuki really wasn't that surprised when, after being promised a practical lesson, he walked into class one day to find it too full of too many kids. "What the fuc—"

Monoma was sitting smugly on his desk, in the school gym uniform like the others, and Tetsutetsu couldn't stop the idiot opening his mouth in time. "Well, if it isn't our local combustion bender—"

A fist in his collar kept Katsuki from jumping across the room to tear his face off. Eijiro reigned him back and Katsuki felt him press a kiss into his hair and leash an arm around him from behind. "Monoma, do you have to antagonize him every, single, time? I'm starting to get really worried about your future."

Monoma pulled a face while Tetsutetsu wrangled him off of Katsuki's desk to plop him on Dneki's instead. "I'm sorry, Kiri, but he's just so... him."

Ei snorted and pressed another kiss into Katsuki, loosening his hold. "And the next time you decide to be you, I'll let him be himself all the way to the nurse's wing."

Denki pushed past them into the crowded room, and they lost all of Monoma's scorn in the distraction. "Nei! Guess what I did yesterday!"

It was gross how quickly annoyance turned to fondness on the other boy's face, and Tetsu propped his chin on Monoma's shoulder when Denki bounced up to give him a sickening hug. "Hello, Sparkplug. What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into now, hm?"

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