Eijiro Kirishima-Presidential Flowers

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        "What gives, Kiri? I woke up and you were gone!"

        Kirishima sighed, shuffling the phone onto his shoulder as he fought with the water hose; the evil thing had a kink in it. The pinkette had spent so much time being excited yesterday that she crashed on Kirishima's dorm room floor at two in the morning instead of going back to her own room. Kiri hoped the teachers didn't mind. "I have work, woman. I don't know what kind of all-day frolicking you had planned, but the tough reality of life is that I own a business."

        "Are your employees incompetent?--no offense to Amajiki, of course."

        "I have one employee, princess," the redhead sassed. "The rest have training today. I cannot miss work today."

        "Hey, boss," one of said training employees called. "Tamaki's here."

        "Thanks, Uraraka! Hey, I've gotta go--"

        "Eijiro Kirishima, don't you dare hang up on me--"

        "--I will see you this afternoon. Bye~"


        Kirishima went against his best friend's wishes and hung up on her, slipping his phone into his apron pocket. He was watering the plants in the back, mentally going over the mountainous checklist of things he had to do before they opened. He'd only just barely gotten back to the store before Uraraka came knocking at his door, wide-awake and ready to go, and she'd offered to sweep while he watered. At six in the morning.

        He was thankful for coffee. He needed it to keep up with her enthusiasm.

        Tamaki shuffled into the room to grab his apron. "I brought breakfast?" He offered.

        Kiri raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound very sure of that."

        The dark-haired boy glared at him and looped the apron over his head. "I brought breakfast," he said again. "A-and you're gonna eat it, and... and you're gonna like it!" He stomped back out of the room as Kirishima snorted.

        The redhead finished up with the watering, filling up the watering can to use on the more delicate plants out front later and set it by the register. Uraraka was sitting on the counter (which she'd realized she was allowed to do if there were no customers) tearing into a doughy bread roll and flicking through channels on the television. She settled on a news station that followed heroes and hero gossip. Kirishima realized that it was the same station he liked watching, with Hizashi Yamada and whoever else he liked to invite.

        "Are we ready to start work?" She asked.

        "We're waiting on one more," Kiri replied, chuckling at her enthusiasm. "If he doesn't show up before we open, then we'll start without him." He reached into the bag of breakfast that Tamaki had brought, delighted to find a meat bun among the rolls. They still had half-an-hour before then, so they had time to relax, and Kirishima sat down on the stool behind the register.

        "Welcome back to another episode of 'Heroes Doing Things that are Stupidly Funny,'" Yamada was saying on the T.V.

        "That's not what this show is called," his guest chuckled uneasily. Kiri had never seen him on the show before--and he definitely would have remembered. The guy was tall--really tall--blonde, and chiseled like a god.

        "Well, it should be."

        "Jeez, he must be starving," Tamaki winced.

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