Eijiro Kirishima - Look At Me

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Ah, what flavor is this? Eijiro doubting himself in the worst way possible. Also, this chair is rated for maturity because of uh... smexy content .
        Yeah, this entire chapter is me being self indulgent and experimenting.
        Also~ I've made a discord ~ FEEL FREE TO YELL AT ME—:


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        Lunch was an experience. Shokudo Rikido's was one of Sato's family restaurants, and the waitstaff recognized poor Tamaki immediately and swarmed the table with food without being prompted. Sato and his parents even popped out of the kitchen to see what the fuss was about and ended up chatting for a long while.

        Their stay extended from a late lunch to an early dinner, by which time, Eijiro was exhausted. He hadn't taken the luxury of napping during the ride like a few of the others had, so all he wanted to do was curl up in his room and sleep the stress away, hoping said stress wouldn't bleed into his nightmares.

        He carefully peeled away from the others as they clambered out of the van, of course complaining about Katsuki's driving. Katsuki argued with them, claiming that he could be a safe driver... just not with Deku in the car. Nobody caught him duck into the dorms, and Tokoyami only offered him a small wave from the blanket-nest he'd made on the couch.

        Eijiro made it up to his room and flopped onto the mattress with a sigh of comfortable relief. He rolled over, more than ready for sleep after this hell fiend of a day.

        But almost immediately, the clamminess that kept him awake started tugging on him. It wasn't too hot, or too cold, or uncomfortable, or anything else that should have kept him up. He was just... up. Still tired, but suddenly wide-awake.

        He sat up grumpily. He didn't sleep very well stressed anyway, and his non-existent sleep schedule wasn't doing him any favors.

        Usually, Eijiro would go out on patrol when this happened, but he wasn't feeling up for it. A pathetic excuse, he knew, but going out alone with his head swimming like this would only give him too much time to think. Then he'd get stuck, as he had too many times before, and a rooftop was never the best place for a stressed-out breakdown.

        Instead, he forced himself to take in a deep breath and picked up his phone. On his dresser was a compact little case that Mina had insisted on during their last shopping excursion, a replacement for his overworn earbuds. They fit in his ears without the danger of flying out, and they carried noise well.

        He needed to dance. Dancing always calmed him, tired him out. His fingers found a familiar song; a guitar and a snap beat with a slow melody, one of Mina's favorites. Slower songs like this always worked the best to stretch him out. Plus, he didn't want to change out of the nice suit Katsuki had given him.

        The slow song was the perfect warm-up, a series of slow, languid turns and movements that stretched him out carefully. The beat built with each chorus, gradually growing faster. In the final lines, with the notes dwindling, Eijiro wondered to himself how he'd never noticed it was a love song. Or... maybe not love exactly, but something similar. Something longing. He wondered if he recognized it now because he... he kind of felt it now.

        "Is this where you ran off to?"

        Katsuki's voice caught him off guard, as it often did, and one of the headphones fell from his ear when he twisted. It was becoming a familiar sight to find the blonde lounging against his door frame in various moods, though usually not dressed to the nines in court attire. He ditched his blazer and tie and rolled up the sleeves of his collared shirt, showing off those strong forearms of his. Ei's headphone hit the floor and bounced, rolling under the bed, and Eijiro cursed as it disconnected and the music of a low trumpet played loudly from his phone, skipping a track.

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