Katsuki Bakugo-Judge Over Jury

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Disclaimer: I've never been to court. I've never been in a courtroom. Nor do they really show civil proceedings on T.V. I have especially never been privileged to see the Japanese legal system in any sense. Therefore, my depiction of courtrooms and the civil legal process derives mainly from my hodgepodge of research and personal thoughts. If it's wrong...
        Sue me.

        After their coffee excursion, it was another fifteen-minute drive to the courthouse, for which Katsuki managed to grab a spot near the doors while yelling at Todoroki that the van was almost too big. Because really, what young, single teacher needs a van big enough to fit twelve people?!

        He noticed of course when Eijiro's five-alarm panic mode hit again, the nervous ticks manifesting in the way he kept flicking his fingernail against the reusable straw in his cup.

        Katsuki reached up and took it from him, finding it about half full. "Ei?" He prodded.

        Eijiro blinked. "What?"

        "We're here."


        Katsuki chuckled. "Are you going to get out?"

        Eijiro looked out the window, where Mina was waving at him with a smug knowing grin. "Yeah..."

        "That's good," Katsuki leaned across the center console to grant his nervous boyfriend a reassuring kiss. "Everything's going to be fine, Eij. You've got nothing to worry about."

        Eijiro took a deep breath, forcing determination into himself. "Okay," he said, more decisively, already unbuckling. "Let's go."

        Katsuki grinned at his success, pushing open his own door and stepping out of the car. "Good boy."

        Not five seconds later, Katsuki had joined the others where they waited.

        Eijiro was still in the car.

        And Mina looked at Katsuki like it was his fault. "What did you just say to him?" She accused. "He was getting out and then... poof."

        "I didn't!" Katsuki snapped back at her. "I—" It hit him, what he'd said, and he had to stomp down the reflexive blush. "Goddamnit, Ei, get out of the car!"

        Eijiro must've heard him, slumping out of the van with his face pointed at the ground, trying desperately to hide his own flustered face. Katsuki filed that note away for later, for a time when they weren't standing in front of a courthouse about to be sued by an annoying American Karen. For now, it was Sonic's job to usher the redhead inside without letting him spontaneously combust.

        The interior of the courthouse was large and spacious, with polished wooden floors and a high ceiling. It was an older building, modeled with outdated architectural showmanship, with crown moldings and marble columns at every door and hallway interval.

        Katsuki had been inside this building more times than he would have liked to admit. Sometimes he liked to show up with a bin of popcorn and watch villains be sentenced--which was frowned upon, but what the fuck were they gonna do about it? The most recent time had been while he was working, the failed terrorist attack with the hijacked buses. Katsuki had to remind himself to look up the results of those cases when the debates finished.

        Once inside, Iida tried to pull Midoriya, Uraraka, and Eijiro off to a side room, seeming surprised when he was met with some mild resistance and Eijiro's trademark confusion. Iida's disappointment was palpably audible, even as he managed to shove the three through a separate door. 

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