Eijiro Kirishima-Ultra Academy

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Edited because my typos ended up being that bad

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        Kirishima groaned, rubbing the approaching sleep from his eyes. "Let me get this straight," he said slowly, ignoring Mina's delirious giggle at his phrasing. "Midoriya, using godly powers unknown to man, (common sense) has magically deduced that I am Red Riot and therefore why Iida hates me, mere hours before I figure out that he is Deku and Bakugo is Ground Zero through some genius bout of what I am sure is sleep-deprivation induced psychosis, but you, my best friend in the entire universe, found this out weeks ago, and deigned not to tell me that I have been flirting with--what did you call him? 'T.V's resident bad boy?!'"

        "You forgot the part where I've gotten him to admit he's absolutely obsessed with you on multiple occasions," Mina added, pulling a giant pink pillow into her lap. They were both sat on her bed in a room dimly lit by fairy lights, drowning in blankets and gorged on snacks. Kirishima hadn't missed the fact that she was purposely shoving as much food toward him as she could.

        "Oh, of course," Kiri added sarcastically. "Is there anything else I missed?"

        "No, that pretty much sums it up."

        "Any more secrets I should know about?"

        "Of course."

        "But you're not going to tell me."


        "I think I hate you."

        "I love you, too, Kiri."

        "I'm probably not going to remember any of this in the morning."

        "I'll remind you."

        "I'm tired."

        "Then go to sleep. Jesus, Kiri, you're turning into an insomniac."


        "What do you mean, 'can't?'"

        Kirishima stayed quiet where he laid at the foot of the bed, staring at the ceiling. He'd noticed that Mina had stolen his new therapy blanket from his room and had draped it around his shoulders, relishing in the security he found.

        "Kiri..." Mina's voice was low, but not threatening, and she adjusted her sitting position to glare down at him. "What do you mean 'can't?'"

        He sighed. "I guess I could," he grimaced. "But, I'd just be up again in maybe an hour, so what's the freaking point?"

        "...Kiri?" Her voice was quieter, filled with concern. "Have... have the nightmares come back?"

        He didn't answer, which he knew she'd interpret as a 'yes.' Mina moved again, pushing her back against the wall and pulling his head to rest in her lap. He offered no protest, and she ran her fingers softly through his hair, combing out the gel with practiced gentleness. "Oh, hunny," she whispered quietly. She was sad for him, and that hurt to know he brought her pain. He didn't mean to, but it seemed he couldn't help it.

        Kirishima was quiet for a long time, and when he spoke it was sarcastic. "Is it okay that I one hundred percent blame Minoru Mineta for this anxiety relapse? Because I'm seriously considering hiding his sorry corpse in an incinerator."

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