Katsuki Bakugo-Sprint

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        The Bakugo's all stared with confusion out the door into the blackness of the pouring rain, so thick that Katsuki couldn't even make out the street light at the end of the drive. Eijiro had just... run out there, like a crazy possessed animal.

        And considering his track record, Katsuki took that as a bad sign. A knot twisted tighter in his gut, uneasy, and his eyebrows furrowed, taking in the downpour again. "If I'd known it was still raining like this," he started slowly. "I'd have offered to drive him. He just got dry, the hell is he thinking?"

        Before anyone could recover from the redhead's disappearing act, Katsuki's phone started to ring in his pocket. Pulling it free, Katsuki relented that he had to answer at least one of Deku's calls, and he brought the phone to his ear without tearing his eyes from the street. "Yeah, Deku, the weirdest thing just happened—"

        "Katsuki, where is he?"

        He blinked. That wasn't Deku.

        That was Mina.

        "Nerd, quit letting people use your phone, they have their own," he scolded. "Mina, what are you talking about?"

        "Midori, no, piss off—Katsuki, why did I just get a call from Kiri?"

        "I—" Uh oh. "I don't know?! He just left, and I thought he was fine, but—"

        "I know fine. That was not fine." Her voice got quieter, much, much quieter, shaking with a hesitant dread. "Katsuki, he sounded like he'd just seen his father again."

        Katsuki stiffened, and Mitsuki put her hand on his elbow, the question obvious in her glare. "That's impossible. He was just here, I swear to God. We had another fight, he met my hag, we talked it out, and he ran into my old man on the way... out..." he trailed off, looking over at his neck, unassuming father.


His dad blinked curiously at him, the picture of dubious innocence.

Oh no.

        Masaru Bakugo looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. He was only a couple inches shorter than Katsuki himself, and most of that height came from impeccable posture. His shoulders were rather broad but...

        But in the dark, in the second of adrenaline it took to overreact, his silhouette roughly resembled that of a certain psychologist.

        Katsuki's growled slowly. "Mina. Hypothetically, if Ei ever ran into anyone vaguely resembling a certain heartless shitbag—"

        "Katsuki, tell me he didn't."

        But he had. If Eijiro had mistaken Katsuki's for his own useless pig of a father, his two responses would have either been fight or run. Since it has been run, Eijiro had likely realized that Takeshi Kirishima and Masaru Bakugo were different people, but the spike of panicked adrenaline could have triggered a flashback anyways. "Can't do that, Pinks."

        She cursed. "Tell me the rain isn't as bad over there—"

        Katsuki slid the phone into his shoulder, turning into the room to go for the coat closet. He wanted an actual coat, a heavy coat that would stand up to the howling rain, something more than the one he had possibly ruined earlier. "I'm barely a twenty minute drive from the main campus, if it's bad there it's bad here."

        And Eijiro was out there in that mess, literally out of his mind. No telling where he'd gotten to.

"Fuck—TODO, GET THE CAR—we're on our way, what's between you and the school?"

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