Eijiro Kirishima-Grape

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So, while writing today, I may have realized that there are a few chapters that I have forgotten to insert content warnings, such as the April chapter and the chapters involving Hiro, and I apologize for that. I'm going to fix that as soon as possible.

        "He's gay~!"

        A round of laughter followed the blonde boy's comment, and Kirishima felt himself go red. Most of them had gotten up off the couch to greet him, and a few more came in from the kitchen. Iida had stopped, his mouth hanging open, and he kept looking from Kiri to the others. The redhead couldn't help but feel like he was some exotic animal in a cage at the circus.

        "Aoyama!" Mina shouted, pushing herself up and loudly storming over to the door, her bare feet slapping against the polished wooden floor and her over-sized t-shirt hiding her thighs. Kiri instantly felt better when he remembered she was there, and she knew the lengths he usually went to try and stay in his comfy little closet. He then wondered if that was his shirt she was wearing, how she'd have managed to steal it, and if she was wearing pants. God, Kiri hoped she was wearing pants. "It is so rude to out someone like that--how would you like it if I went around spewing out your darkest secret?" She slung a threatening arm around the taller boy's shoulders, yanking him down to her level and jabbing a finger at his chest.

        The blonde paled at the pinkette's wrath. "Excuses~" he giggled nervously. The kid was expensively dressed in frilly clothes and heavily accented, and Kirishima thought he looked pretty gay himself. "I couldn't resist. The boy looks like a yummy snack." (Translator's Note: Excuses is 'apologies' in French)

        If possible, Kiri only blushed harder. What the hell was a snack? Were they going to eat him?!

        Mina glanced at her best friend, lost for words for a second, but struggling not to giggle as she apparently knew what 'snack' meant. "Okay, we get that, Yuga, but you just yanked open the closet door without warning. What if you're wrong dumbass?"

        "Ha! I'm never wrong when it comes to the conquests of the heart."


        "Mina, it's okay," Kirishima finally managed. This conversation was getting a little too weird for him. "Um... hi," he tried. "I'm Kirishima, I'm nineteen, and I'm really hopelessly gay."

        "A man of culture!" A dark haired boy declared amongst the laughter--most of the other students had recognition in their gazes, so the redhead guessed that Mina talked about him a lot. It took Kiri a minute to register that the kid was hanging upside down from the ceiling, suspended by a string of tape extending from his elbows.

        A blonde boy below him laughed; the blonde boy from the balcony yesterday morning. Kirishima now noticed the bold black lightning streak that arced through his hair on the left side. "What's up, Jared?"

        Actually, Kiri only knew maybe a handful of memes and vines that Mina had sent him over the years, and he had just panicked and used one because he had no idea what else to say.

        Mina detached herself from Aoyama's shoulders, sliding around him to the redhead and tugging her friend over to the couch to say hi to her other friends. "The idiot on the ceiling is Sero, and the one under him is Kaminari. Kaminari will charge you phone if you're nice to him, but don't eat anything Sero gives you, it's probably weed. They're cool. Guys, this is the reason neither of you are my best friend." She caught Kiri scanning the rest of the faces and smirked, leaning up to whisper in his ear. "Bakugo's not here."

        The blush that he had just managed to controlled blossomed again.

        "Friend of Mina, friend of ours," the blonde chuckled, a charger hanging from his mouth. "Call me Denki."

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