Bloopers Part II (Sort of)

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You know that feeling where you have inspiration and everything just clicks and you already have a world built and every thing but where your current plot is will make it a very very long time before you could actually potentially write it? YEAH, that's me. SO-
        I bring Chapter 69, Blooper's part 2 FEATURING:...

        The Todoroki Family Dinner, with special appearances from Izu, Kat, Ei, Hawks, and more.

        Shinso: Hey, I've got a question.
        Mina: Alright, shoot.
        Shinso: Does anyone know where Mineta actually went? His character just kind of got expelled and we never saw him again.
        Momo: Who?
        Shinso: Uh... Mineta? Short purpley kid who did the funny voices and played the pervert?
        Hagakure: What pervert?
        Asui: Nope, doesn't ring any bells.
        Jiro: Sorry, can't say I ever met him.
        Shinso:... gUYS, you can't just block out your coworker because of the character he played-
        Mina: No, Shinso, You've got it wrong. It wasn't that he played the character-
It's that he played him well.
        Shinso: Okay, but seriously, does anyone know where he is?
        Kirishima: He got transferred.
        Shinso: FINALLY, a straight answer.
        Denki: Ha, straight.

        Jiro: You're a good soldier~ choosing your battles~
        Mina: Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off, get back in the saddle~
        Jiro: You're on the front lines~ everyone's watching~
        Mina: You know it's serious, we're getting closer, this isn't over.
        Jiro: The pressure's on~ you feel it.
        Mina: You've got it all~ believe it.
        Jiro: When you fall, get up-
        Sero: Ey, ey-
        Mina: If you fall get up-
        Denki: I'm GaY!
        Jiro: Tsamina mina zangalewa-
        Kirishima: I have crippling depression!
        Mina: Tsamina mina-
        Sero: Ey, ey-
        Jiro: Waka waka-
        Denki: I'm GaY!
        Mina: Tsamina mina zangalewa-
        Bakugo, holding a knife: Today's gonna be a GrEaT day!

        Katelyn: Alright, guys, we're going to try something new.
It's called improv! BUT, you don't know when it starts, so I need you to play your roles as normal until the catalyst arrives.
        Shinso: Uh, okay? But what's the-
        Shoto: *exists*
        Shinso: AH. I see.

        Aizawa: I need therapy.
These kids need therapy.
I should get these kids therapy.
I should find a therapist!
        *Kiri*: Why am I feeling stabby?

        Tamaki, speaking to a camera: I have fallen way too far into my quest to witness first hand the effect of the elusive Katsuki Bakugo on the gay disaster known as Eijiro Kirishima.
I've pulled out all the stops, and even enlisted my coworkers in my adventure-
        Shinso: Yo-
        Uraraka: Wassup!
        Tamaki: We've installed cameras all around the shop-
        Uraraka: Wait, shouldn't we have asked Kiri about that before we--
        Shinso: Can it, Cheeks.
        Tamaki: -and are laying in wait for the gremlin to arrive. We could be here for hours, days-
        Shinso: You've got class in three hours.
        Tamaki: -however long it takes to prove this elusive phenomena.
        Kirishima enters the backroom: Guys, what are you doing?
        Tamaki: *SCREECH*

        Denki: Hey Ferb, what do you want to do today?
        Sero: Nooo, don't talk to me, I'm high.
        Denki: Dude, just because the scripts say you get to be a stoner does not mean you actually get to be a stoner.
        Sero: Yeah, but I thought it would be funny if, maybe just once, I actually spiked the cookies in the common room.
But then I forgot that I spiked the cookies, and now I'm hearing color and seeing weird people through a tiny window.
        Denki, concerned: I think you need to talk to Aoyama.

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