Father's Day Special

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Father's Day--Actually, scratch that. We all know that hardly any of them have decent relationships with their fathers, especially in this story.
        Therefore, we have Mother's Day, Part II.
        (On a side note, the new cover is up, and it makes me giddy.)

        Kiri smiled lightly, struggling to sit up. "I'd be fine with making your mother something, if you wanted me to," he said softly, stifling another yawn. "Just, maybe not tonight."

        "No, that's not it," Bakugo sighed. "I was just thinking that maybe you... maybe you wouldn't be opposed to meeting my parents tomorrow." 

We continue...

        "Katsuki, do I look alright? How's my hair? Do you think she'd like the flowers?"

        "For the last fucking time, Eijiro," the blonde growled, slapping the other boy's hands away from his hair, "you look fine. Shitty hair and all."

        "Are you sure?" The redhead continued to fret. "I mean, normally I wouldn't care, but your mom is obviously very important to you, so this is very important to me, and if this goes badly or something I don't want to ruin your relationship with you mother--"


        "--and what if... Kat, what if she doesn't like me?"

        "Kirishima," Bakugo sighed again, grabbing his hand to calm him down. "Everything is going to be just fine. My old hag will love you--and even if she doesn't, it's not like I'm looking for her approval anyway."

        Kirishima stopped, taking a deep breathe and pulling on his neck with his free hand and squeezing Bakugo's with the other. His boyfriend held an intricate bundle of Kiri's best carnations in full bloom, decorated with dark dweet basil fillers and smaller blooms of amaryllis in white, orange, and yellow. ("Small" blooms being fat behemoths of a flower because--damn.) He'd taken the flowers when the florist had first started freaking out half-an-hour ago. Bakugo had growled at him for spending so long on it, but parents scared him--especially parents that didn't like him, and he felt like he might just sponateously combust if Katsuki's parents decided not to like him. After all, this wasn't just meeting the parents. This was also letting the parents know that their son was dating. Over dinner.

        The Bakugo's lived out in the suburbs, in the kind of modern-style houses with low walls and security gates. The boys had taken the forty minute trip on foot to try use the time to calm the redhead's racing nerves. Both were fashion designers, so Kiri guessed that they would both have incredible taste, which had led to the hour spent hiding in his closet trying to find an appropiate outfit. The landed on a black dress shirt without a blazer and matching slacks. Bakugo had convinced him to forego the bright red tie--he claimed it made him look too formal, but Kirishima suspected that it was mostly the blonde's severe distaste for ties in general. Except for his ears, Katsuki had foregone most of his peircings, which suggested to Kiri that his parents didn't approve of them.

        Katsuki slowed suddenly, twisting his arm around in a way that ensured his boyfriend wouldn't escape at the last moment, and steered them up a driveway. He wrung the doorbell with his elbow, determined not to let go, and hid their entwinded hands behind him. Kirishima tensed at the sound of footsteps, worry at his lip with his sharp teeth.

        A woman resembling Katsuki opened the door, a similiar piercing ruby stair lighting first on her son, and next to the stranger the brat had brought to her house. Despite being a rather small woman, Mitsuki Bakugo had a powerful air--a ferocious glare, pointed features, tense posture, clenched fingers, and surpisingly broad shoulders. Looking at this terror of a woman, Kirishima couldn't help but draw the smallest sense of comfort in knowing that she was exactly like her son.

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