Eijiro Kirishima-Take Two

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Guess who got grounded? This gal.
        Ha ha ha... I'm sorry, this update is like super late. Between my being grounded, writer's block, extremely unnecessary and pointless depression, and the anxiety attack I gave myself by getting to involved with my characters, this has been a stressful chapter. On top of that, I'm a junior in high school. You know what that means? SCHOOL. yeah, fuck that. No thanks. I haven't gotten back into my writing-during-the-school-day swing yet. I'm trying, though.
        ⚠️Also (yes, I see you all have come to acknowledge this tiny evil emoji as one of existential dread) barely mentioned past abuse and self-harm.⚠️I should really just label this book as pure angst.

        Eijiro Kirishima had forgotten what studying was like.

        It didn't take him very long to remember that he hated studying, and that he was bad at it.

        Today had turned out to be a constant cycle of bad and worse, starting with the new tension in Kiri's friendship with Bakugo and continuing with the forced comatose state he'd had to endure while he healed after their fight. Studying while he was pissed from the invasion of his self-control was definitely how he wanted to wrap up his evening.

        But things could only go up from here, right? Tomorrow would be better, hopefully, and if it was then Kirishima would be happy to endure the rest of this crappy day.

        He started with modern literature when the evil nurse released him at five o'clock, one of the classes Mina had recommended he do first, and sat down at his desk with a list of coursework and pencils at the ready. He read (and inevitably reread when he forgot the material seconds later) haikus and proverbs until they bled together in his brain. The metaphors and double-meanings made him dizzy, and he tried to resist the urge to slam his head on the desk, remembering the nurse's stern warning to avoid head injuries until they were sure his concussion hadn't caused brain damage. He was also instructed to eat light food until he spoke to the evil old woman again, and though his stomach was empty, he wasn't veey hungry anyways.

        He dutifully took notes from the textbook he borrowed from Mina (he was pretty sure she'd stolen it from Iida, who had three copies of everything.) For three hours Kiri struggled through the material alone, annotating and translating the poetry and words of ancient wisdom. He found that it was mostly about self-truth, women, and manliness. He made it through the first three units' worth of notes by the time he finally decided to study something else for a while.

        Kirishima had just moved on to Modern Hero Art--one of his study-specific classes, one that followed how heroes were depicted in the media and how they aided or influenced their communities--when there was a knock on his door. He was welcome to the interruption, willing to take anything to distract him for a few minutes.

        "The door is unlocked," he called, finishing up a thought on his nites. "Come on in."

        The door opened a little, a perky green head of curls poking in. "Hi--"

        "You're not still mad that I broke your nose," Kiri checked quickly, setting down his pencil and turning in his chair, "right?"

        "What?" The other boy sounded shocked, if not slightly offended.  "No, of course not."

        "Told you," another voice griped at the greenette from the hall. Todoroki pushed Midoriya inside so he could stand in the doorway. "Midoriya does not hold grudges for long, or else Bakugo would still be on his hit list."

        "Todoroki, I don't have a hit list," the greenette protested. "Just like my dad isn't All Might and my grandfather wasn't genetically modified broccoli."

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