Eijiro Kirishima-Terrors Night

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Eijiro woke before the alarm in the morning, the slightest peak of light through the window tinting his room a quiet shade of gray. He'd never felt so relaxed. So well rested. And so warm, though that must have been Katsuki, almost entirely laid out on his chest and shoulder and tangled in his legs, snoring softly.

Eijiro grinned at him, pulling one arm tighter against his back and using the other to brush hair out of his face so Ei could kiss his forehead. Katsuki was gorgeous. All the time. And squishy but strong and lethal. God, he was perfect. Eijiro blessed his karma points for finally giving him something good in life.

Katsuki didn't seem to be having as good a morning though. His sleep seemed restless, and he squirmed in Eijiro's hold. Actually, he looked to be having some sort of fit in his sleep, and Eijiro didn't need to be a genius to recognize a bad dream. He wondered though if Katsuki's fit had woken him in the first place.

He pulled Katsuki up, readjusting him to be more comfortable, and kissed the irritated wrinkle in his brow. "S'okay, love," he mumbled, his voice sleepy. "You're okay. You're safe here."

Katsuki disagreed, making some sort of gremlin-like complaint. "Stupid villain," he grumbled. "Die, ugly fucker."

Ei chuckled.

"Ew, nas'y shit. G'off me. Gross—muhrfucker!" Katsuki threw a sloppy punch at nothing, but seeing sparks fly off his knuckles, Eijiro felt maybe it was safer if Katsuki... didn't do that. So he laced their fingers, keeping his hardened skin against Katsuki's hot palms.

And he marveled at that; how well their quirks worked together. How Eijiro's defensive nature countered his boyfriend's explosively hostile disposition. How with anyone else Katsuki would hold back—would have to, even. But with Ei he didn't need to.

Katsuki didn't seem to like being restrained, though. He squirmed again, grumbling loudly when he didn't escape. It was when the grumbling turned to whining and actual struggling that Eijiro decided it was time to wake him up. "Come on, babe, time to get up."

When that didn't work, Ei shook him.

Big fucking mistake.

When Katsuki awoke, his sleep-fighting the villain from his dream turned into very real fighting against his next target—Eijiro—and the redhead raced to block the right hook aimed at his face and the series of explosions that followed. "Jesus, Katsuki! It's only me! I'm not hurting yOU—" he had to deflect an elbow to the ear and a knee to the ribs at the same time, grabbing him by both wrists and locking them to his sides because Katsuki was fucking ignoring him—

No he wasn't.

He just couldn't hear.

So Eijiro abandoned blocking his hands and grabbed his face instead, holding him still when Katsuki's first instinct was to rear and jerk away. Then their eyes clashed, and Katsuki froze.

Breathing half a sigh of relief at the flash of recognition, Eijiro used one hand to sign 'You're okay.'

Kat shook his head. 'Where?'

His hearing aids. Eijiro understood. 'I'll find them.'

Katsuki shook his head more insistently. 'Give them back!'

'Baby, I didn't take them from you, just let me find them,' Eijiro tried, easing Katsuki off of him. He tried to ignore the fact that Katsuki was trembling and got out of bed, quickly finding their pile of clothes from last night. He'd put Katsuki's hearing aids safely in one of his pockets.

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