Eijiro Kirishima-Moving Day

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Fucking, finally.

        Kirishima took a deep breath, preparing to leave. He'd closed the shop for the weekend, locked up tight. He had a plan for the day--morning run with the cute customer, swing by Miso's for breakfast and a quick apology, then meet back up with Tamaki at the school. The third-year had an hour to help him get settled before he had to rush off to another class. He wouldn't see his store again for a full day, not until he and Tamaki came in Sunday afternoon to train Uraraka.

        He wrung out his shoulders, shaking out his fears, stepping through the doors and locking them behind him. He glanced up at his bedroom window on the second floor, seeing the red flowers. They were still clinging to life, two weeks after they had been bought for him, thanks to the florist's expert care. He'd bring them back with him when he returned to the dorms Sunday evening.

        He started off for the school, jogging down the lamp-lit street. He'd made sure to stay away from merchandise when getting dressed this morning, but he discovered that the only workout pants that had stayed at his apartment were the form-fitting leggings that got his butt complimented. He'd tied his hair back, foregoing the usual spiky hairstyle. He also made sure to wear a shirt. Double-checked, even.

        He rounded a corner, smiling as the school came into view, already brightly lit by the students getting an early education. A lone figure stood just outside the gate, leaning casually against the wall and hunched over his phone. Bakugo looked up as the redhead slowed, nodding at the smiley greeting he received. 

        "Good morning," Kirishima grinned. He didn't miss when Bakugo's eyes flicked over him, taking in his clothes. Taking in the pants. 

        "'Good' is not how I would describe it," the blonde growled bitterly, swiping his student ID twice at the gate, just as Tamaki had done the day before. He was wearing a tank top and loose basketball shorts, and Kirishima noticed with smug amusement that he had left the usual boots in his closet, trading them for black sneakers. "They're all excited today."

        "Your dorm mates?" Kiri asked, following the blonde through the gates.

        He snorted. "Yeah, no shit. We're getting a new classmate today and they're being annoying as shit. I couldn't give two fucks about him, as long as he minds his own damn business and doesn't snore through the wall."

        Ouch. "You haven't even met the guy yet," the redhead retorted hopefully. "He could be the nicest dude in the whole world for all you know."

        Bakugo gagged. "A quantum super-computer calculating for a thousand years could not even begin to approach the number of fucks I do not give. The last thing I need is another ass that thinks he's Deku." He smirked suddenly. "I bet his hair is shittier than yours."

        Kirishima's smile fell. "My hair is just fine, thank you."

        "Whatever you say, Shitty Hair. We're going this way." The blonde gestured down to a split in the path that led around the perimeter of the school grounds; the scenic route, going in the opposite direction of the dorms. "And this is supposed to be a run."

        The redhead smirked. "I'll run when you do," he challenged.

        Bakugo froze, turning a fierce glare on the smiling fool, and took off at a dead sprint towards the forests. His competitor was quick to follow.

        Kirishima found that he could keep up quite easily with the irritated blonde, eliciting a furious snarl when he passed him on the left. His longer legs gave him a larger stride--the kind of stride that could carry someone his size over six-foot gaps in moonlit rooftops.

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