Katsuki Bakugo-Three Days

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I've recently had to switch writing from my phone or laptop to my tablet, which is why there hasn't been an update in a week, and why this chapter is a bit shorter than I would like it. I'm having a bit of difficulty fitting plot and humor into the final days before Kiri makes the switch to UA. Not only do I have to get used to typing again, but I have to train a new auto-correct system. Katsuki, apparently, cannot be a word. Catsuit. Kashmir. Not Katsuki. It also does not like my cussing and refuses to add 'fuck,' 'crap,' or 'shit,' to my dictionary. The best one was when it tried to correct 'Kirishima' to 'mitosis.'
        Also, there was an issue I had when updating last week. Bakugo's Surprise updated before Doctor's Visits, but Doctor's Visits is listed before Bakugo's Surprise in the table of contents, so I think a few of you may have missed that chapter.

        "--and here you can see Hero Snipe's nest, tucked away between these marble outcrops to provide him cover while he shoots. The spot is fortified, and he has enough resources with him to sustain himself in the off chance that he becomes stuck up there. A hero is always prepared."

        Katsuki Bakugo dutifully jotted down the notes from Aizawa's Thursday morning lecture, though to him, preparedness just seemed like common-fucking-sense at this point. He hated to admit that Aizawa's anecdotes could be helpful when he found himself in hairy situations. His stories always came with a lesson, and lots of visuals from recent hero reports. The class covered everything from crappy hostage situations to shitty natural disasters, and once even a goddamned step-by-step 'what-not-to-do-when-your-workplace-falls-apart-for-dummies' civilian handbook. A very detailed, disturbing handbook that Aizawa thought would give them nightmares.

        Long story short; take caution when going into collapsing buildings. That lesson had left Bakugo and Pikachu very on edge.

        The Dean turned back to the board, highlighting more key points to Snipe's roost. Their class had been part of the undamaged sections of the school, so their lessons went ahead as normal. Hands went up when he called on them to point out weaknesses to the spot, to which Bakugo had to roll his eyes. Taking heavy fire on a dry plain amidst dilapidated ruins, Snipe had made the only possible choice for cover, despite the fact that the shitty roof could fucking collapse on him at any moment. Besides, the firefight had lasted only seconds under the gunslinger's trajectory quirk.

        However, despite the intriguing lesson, most of the blonde's attention was on the news report running on the muted television. A villain with a giant quirk had been running rampant in the south part of town since early that morning and had yet to be subdued by any of the heroes squabbling with him like flies against a horse. The media had been tracking his progress as it edged closer to the school and the surrounding area, knocking down buildings in its wake.

        Professor Aizawa asked another question, something philosophical, and Iida seemed to be the only fucking student with an acceptable answer. Bakugo noted the answer, though he thought it was stupid, and began tapping his pencil idly against his notepad. The buildings on T.V. were beginning to seem familiar, but he couldn't pin down why.

        Pikachu made a sarcastic quip that the irritated blonde didn't catch--a sudden burst of static had interrupted his thoughts and he began pawing at his useless-ass hearing aids. The noise quieted, and he began internally cursing his cheap doctor and made a mental note to visit the campus tech office to see if they could fix his problem. One of their students, an enthusiastic pink-haired bitch, had designed Deku a pair of gloves at the beginning of the year that kept him from breaking his arms, so they should be able to fix a measly pair of hearing aids. Hearing aids that his doctor claimed were perfectly fine to fucking begin with. Dumbass old man.

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