Mina Ashido

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        Mina Ashido was painting toenails when her phone rang, and the sudden noise caused her to accidentally skim the polish along the top of Uraraka's toes, causing the other girl to grimace. Huffing with irritation, she lazily picked up her phone, checking the caller ID. Instantly, her face brightened.

        "Kirishima!" She exclaimed cheerfully, answering the call. Despite being her best friend, she never called him Eijiro. Always Kirishima.

        "Mina!" Her friend whined. "You need to help me! WegotthiscustomertodayandhewassohotandI'mdyinginsideandmyheartistryingtoshattermyribsandmyfacewon'tcooloffandIthinkmyquirkisgoingcrazy--"

        Mina's eyebrows rose, attracting the curious attention of her brunette friend. Kirishima's quirk was 'hardening,' and whenever it acted up, a stream of suggestive and dirty thoughts would flood her head. "Woah, slow down, hun," she chided. "Calm your gay panic for two seconds. Deep breaths," she coached. A knock sounded on someone's door down the hall and a paper bag was heard crumpling over the line as Kirishima tried to get his breathing back under control.

        Uraraka started prodding at Mina, the conversation clearly interesting her an extreme amount. Mina considered putting the phone on speaker so the pink-cheeked brunette could hear, but she'd have to promise to stay very quiet. Mina never got the chance to think through this idea, as her door began to rattle violently. Sighing, she stood and went to answer it.

        Her eyes widened. It was Bakugo, the one person she would never expect to knock on anyone's door. "Hold on a second, Kiri," she said into the phone as she muted in and tucked it under her jaw. "Blasty?" She asked, slightly worried. If the nickname angered him, he was fine. If not, something was seriously wrong. "You never like to socialize, what do you need? Isn't it almost your bedtime?"

        He glared at her, his eye twitching and a vein popping out on his temple. He was definitely annoyed, if not restrainingly pissed. "Do you know where the fuck Ponytail is?" He demanded harshly.

        The pink self-proclaimed queen narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious of his intentions. "You mean Momo? She's on the floor above us. Why?" Her dark eyes flicked down to the jar of nuts and only grew more suspicious. Momo loved those nuts--what exactly was Sparky planning? A thought came to her mind, one that made her groan internally.

        "None of your damn business," he retorted, pushing off the wall and making his way back down the hall.

        "If it's for Hanta," she called after him, "know that tetrahydrocannabinol is cannabis, and Momo is not allowed to make any for him because he'll hide it in Sato's baked goods. Also, if you see Denki, can you please send him up here? I messed up Ochaco's toenails and for some reason, he's better at this than I am." Mina had fallen victim to more than one of Sero's spiked brownie batches, and he had mentioned wanting to slip some to the teachers the other day, something that would surely get him expelled when they figured it out. Also, Denki Kaminari was surprisingly skilled with nail polish.

        "Why would I fucking do anything for that tape-faced idiot?!" Bakugo snapped before twisting around the corner and ringing for the elevator. Mina almost sighed with relief. "Find Dunce-Face yourself!"

        Mina rolled her eyes as she resumed her phone conversation. "Sorry about that, Kiri. Okay, what were you saying about being gay for an uber-hottie customer?" She shut the door and put him on speaker, making a threatening motion to Uraraka to keep her mouth shut.

        "I am dying inside, Mina," Kirishima dramatized. "He asked my advice on flowers, and I put together something really grateful and intimate for him. He paid for them and then turned around and gave me the flowers and they're really pretty and I think I'm gonna cry."

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now