Mina Ashido-Hips Don't Lie

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This chapter took me longer than usual, but I was having too much fun with it. My sister will like a specific part--if she ever reads it. She'll either love me or hate me.
        Also ^^look^^

        Shinso was in pain Tuesday morning.

        It was obvious just by looking at him, but it was more apparent to Mina, who could recognize the signs of someone who had overstretched. She knew Kirishima's stretch routine, and while Kirishima may have been flexible enough to get through the torture without a proper warm-up, Shinso was definitely not. Then again, Kiri was so bouncy and energetic that he was always warmed up and, once again, Shinso was... not that.

        Plus, he was sporting an unfortunately massive black eye during their free-time training, evidence that patrol with Kirishima the night before might not have gone off without a hitch.

        "No," Shinso was complaining to Uraraka. "I don't care what he says, my legs are not supposed to bend that way."

        Mina smirked from where she leaned with her arm around the brunette's shoulder. "Which way?" Without waiting for an answer, the pinkette dropped to the floor and pushed herself up with one hand, using the other to pull her foot around backward until it was next to her ear and extending her free leg for balance. "Like this?"

        "Oh my God!" Shinso recoiled while Uraraka giggled, jumping back from her stunt. "How on Earth are you doing that?"

        "Practice," she responded, controlling her breath. She let go of her foot to bring her hand to the floor and carefully lowered her legs to hover six inches above the floor on either side. "Women, biologically, have a weak core and upper body, and I knew this when I decided I wanted to be a hero, so I started dancing. Well, and freeform gymnastics."

        The purple-haired rookie blinked at her before turning back to Uraraka. "Can you do that?"

        She snorted. "Oh, sure." She walked over to a dumbbell on the gym floor and slapped herself, deactivating her own gravity and using the eight- as an anchor so she wouldn't float away. "By cheating."

        "Hey, I'm not the only one that does freaky flexible stuff," Mina grinned. "You should see what Tsu can do--though only in certain directions."

        "And Kirishima," Shinso growled. "The man dropped into a split with his foot on the counter."

        "Eh," Mina managed to shrug, rotating her legs back up to hang upside down in front of her. "I've seen him do weirder. Bakugo can do the splits--"


        "Jesus, I know!" She shouted back at the angry blonde. "Christ, it's not like I was saying anything bad about you, ya angry mutt. If anything, it's a compliment," she added with a grumble.

        Shinso decided to be a bit bolder. "If he's so flexible then why does he walk around like there's a dick up his a--"

        "Ohmygod, DUCK!"

        "KACCHAN, NO!"


        Mina twisted and used the momentum of her legs to sweep Shinso's legs out from under him and prevent the weight Bakugo had flung across the gym from colliding with his face, falling on her butt in the process of saving the poor boy. As it was, it sailed past him towards the doors where a group of people was coming in.

        "HEADS UP!"

        "WOAH--oof!" Thankfully, Kirishima had been with them, so the dead-kid-waiting-to-happen didn't crash into Denki's unsuspecting innocent face. They'd been gone on a bathroom break. "Who's pissing him off now?"

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