Katsuki Bakugo-Liar, Liar

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Oh! I meant to include a list of all the songs that inspired last week's chapter. Disclaimer, they are all in English. Because I don't know Japanese. And I like these songs. But we can pretend, for the sake of plot, that they did it anyway.
        Beauty and a Beat - Justin Bieber
        Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rida
        Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
        Power - Little Mix
        Talk - Why Don't We
        8 Letters - Why Don't We
(If you've never heard it, it may be best to listen to 8 Letters now, because the context of that song is an important plot point.)

Now, with that taken care of for you to use however you see fit, let's get back to our regularly scheduled reading and our angsty boys, because we're discussing some paranoia~, anxiety, TRUST issues, and a good old dose of *HOMOphobia*.

        He couldn't watch.

        He couldn't look away.

        That was Ei, on-screen, kissing a woman he promised was nothing more than a friend. Pulling away with a smile to bow delicately at the crowd before taking her hand and leading her off the stage.

        It shouldn't hurt. Ei wasn't his property, and this footage had been taken years ago, years before they'd even met. He shouldn't feel so slighted. If anything was still going on, Ei would've told him.


        It shouldn't hurt, but it did. He found himself numbly watching the contestants on-screen as they awaited their results. His eyes locked on Mina, bouncing with excitement, her hands latched to Eijiro's arm. Katsuki clenched his teeth and glared openly at the television.

        Because while the rational side of him knew that this was probably nothing, the much bigger part of him was easily paranoid, watching every tiny movement, every expression. While the rational side of him rolled his eyes, that evil paranoid fucker insisted that Mina was extremely attractive, as far as women went. Even at that age, Mina had the curves and knew how to use them to her advantage, a devastating combo with her debonaire smile and mischievous smile. And Eijiro—he hated to admit—was gullible. Innocent as a saint and dumb as a brick.

         And if Eijiro had to be a brick, Katsuki was Jason fucking Grace.

        Because Eijiro had said he'd never done this before. He'd never had a relationship, never kissed anyone. The latter was a lie. The former sure looked like it. It just... it hurt. The doubt. Katsuki hated doubt. He hated doubting himself, and the people he put his trust in.

        On-screen, Freaks were announced as the winners amidst a cheery musical background, and Katsuki's heart clenched when Mina jumped in Eijiro's arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

        This time he looked away, his stomach cold, because this time he couldn't convince himself that it was for the sake of the performance. Still, he tried to convince himself that it was nothing, it was nothing.

        His heart thumped out a heavy rhythm in his chest. Liar, liar, liar.

        He caught Deku's eyes already on him. Oh, great.

        "Something wrong, Kacchan?"

       "Fine," Katsuki snarled, clearly not fine.

        Deku quirked an eyebrow, glancing back at the screen. "This about Mina, or the guy she's with?" He asked, thankfully quiet. 

        Fuck, why isn't he stupider? 

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