Hitoshi Shinso

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^Guys I found this and I love it^

        Hitoshi Shinso did not wake up early for his first day of school Monday morning.

        In fact, he never woke up at all. Never went to bed in the first place.

        He was too excited, even if the emotion didn't show on his gaunt face. Hero School. He was going to real hero school. Finally.

        So, yes, he may have been fully dressed by six A.M., brewing a pot of strong coffee downstairs. From what he'd heard, 1A tended to go a little crazy on the coffee, so he wanted to down at least six cups before anyone else woke up.

        Shinso was not expecting to turn around and see a demon hanging over his shoulder.

        He blinked at it calmly, and it grinned at him. His insomnia had never gotten to the point of hallucination before, but there was always time to start. Though, he'd have to give a hand to his imagination. The shadow-bird-demon thing looked sick as hell.

        "Greetings, fellow dweller of the night."

        Shinso quirked an eyebrow at the disembodied voice. "Uh... hello, sleep paralysis demon."

        The demon was quiet for a minute. "And here I pondered we may at last have a specimen whom could be considered normal, but it seems I am mistaken. Would you mind passing the nectar of insomniacs?"

        It took a long second for Shinso to realize he meant the coffee. "Sure thing... creepy bird man." The purple-haired boy discreetly pulled out his phone as he passed over the pot. 'Reminder: Text Dad. Need prescription refill.'

        He put another pot of coffee on, thinking he was going to need it later. Not a moment later, another weird hallucination tore into the room.

        "In trouble, gotta hide, in trouble, gotta hide, in trouble--oh, hey Toko--gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide," a yellow lightning bolt of a ghost zoomed around the corner, his face deathly pale but twisted in a hysterical grin.

        Without a word, the bird demon opened the fridge, and the other smaller demon crawled inside and crammed himself inside the mostly empty fridge. It was then that Shinso noticed that the bird demon had two bird heads and his main body was crouched on top of the fridge, hidden in the shadows of the dark room and covered in a black grim-reaper-esque robe.


        A second blonde stormed into the kitchen, scaring the living daylights out of Shinso and waking him up for good. This one, however, this one the boy recognized. This was no sleep paralysis demon--this was an actual reason to fear for his life.

        "Bakugo, it's too early for this..." Uraraka complained drowsily as she slumped into the room, going immediately for the milk in the fridge. "... Kaminari, what the hell are you doing?"

        "Oh, hey Ura. I'm hiding."


        Oh no.

        These weren't crazy sleep-deprived hallucinations. These were Shinso's new classmates. Oh, God, weird and crazy didn't even begin to describe it.

        "Oh," Uraraka blinked, turning away from the fridge and closing Kaminari inside. "Good morning, Shinso, I didn't see you there before. How did you sleep? I see you've met Tokoyami."

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