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        Happy Birthday Kirishima and Testutesu! (Shhh, nobody's noticed that I'm late.)
        I don't know what I'm doing, I just felt like I should update, despite being in the middle I'd nowhere and having no internet. I'm actually uploading a day late because the wifi quit on me.

        Bakugo, reading the script: This guy--I love this guy!
        Bakugo: This guy is great!
        Bakugo: He's an asshole, but I love it!

        Tamaki: Don't do that, Kiri.
        Kirishima: ...
        Tamaki: ..? Kiri?
        Kirishima: I can't.
        Tamaki: What? Can't what?
        Kirishima: I cannot say that, Disney will sue us!
        Tamaki: Dude, I promise, the author does not care.

        Todoroki: I have just come to the conclusion that my father is not making an appearance anytime soon.
        Todoroki: It's this what happiness  feels like?

        Sero: Morning, Denki!
        Kaminari: ack, uh... Line!
        Sero: Denki!
        Katelyn, having done this for the eighteenth time that day: Jesus Christ, Kaminari, your line is 'Morning, Sero.'

        Mina: I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something...
        Mina: Don't I have something to do today?
        Mina: I don't have any homework  right?
        Mina: ...

        Kirishima, reading his script: Aw, that's cute.
        Kirishima: Flower's are great.
        Kiri, oblivious: That's tough buddy--nightly... activities? Author, stripping was not in my job description when I signed on.
        Bakugo, having read Kirishima's script: stripping is the least of your worries.
        Kiri, frantically reading: Holy-- holy crap. I have to do what? With who?
        Bakugo, drinking coffee: Dreaming. With me.
        Kirishima: Fuck you, man.
        Bakugo: Yeah that's the point.

        Iida: So... when do I get to not be a dick?
        Katelyn: When I say so.
        Iida: Ah. So, never then?

        Midoriya: This is the one thing I've ever been cast in that Kacchan hasn't told my mother that he's thinks I'm a piece of shit.
        Midoriya: I hope it stays that way.

        Aizawa: Good--
        Denki: GOOD MORNING, SIR!
        Aizawa: Why--
        Iida: Bakugo, you can't say that on camera!
        Aizawa: No, he can, it's in the script, Denki just missed his cue.

        Sero, reading the scripts: Why does it look like most of our lines came from tumblr?
        Momo: They probably did.
        Denki: Oh! This one didn't.
        Mina: Denki, that line is Iida's.

        Uraraka: BrokeBravery?
        Uraraka: Oh, I get it. Because I'm poor.
        Uraraka: And I'm trying. I'm trying really hard.
        Uraraka, beginning to cry: But I just can't help it that I'm broke as hell so I'm just gonna suck it up and try to help.
        Uraraka, filled with conviction: If I have to lay down my life so that my parents can have luxury, then you bet I'll work my hardest to--
        Uraraka, accidentally reading further in the script: Hehe, Mineta get beat.

        Tamaki: Nonono, I can't do this. What if I mess up? What if I cry? What if I fail and everyone hates me? Why is she yelling at me? Will Bakugo yell at me? No, I don't want Bakugo to yell at me, he's scary.
        Katelyn: Tamaki, you literally don't have any lines right now.
        Bakugo: I haven't even entered the scene.
        Meanwhile, Kirishima: Okay, this is your big moment. Youre badass boss bitch moment. If you mess up the author will never write you into the script again, and you'll loose all your friends, and the audience will hate you, and you'll have to pick up garbage on the side of the road forever.
        Katelyn: Omg, guys.
        Tamaki: *panicking in morse code because he thinks the author won't understand him*

        Denki: People always ask me, 'Denki, what's it like working on this production?'
        Sero: Literally no one has ever asked you that dude.
        Denki: And I always say, 'let me tell you, it's great.'
        Denki, holding up his copy of the script: I even get to write my own lines!
        Sero, whispering: what he doesn't know is that all of our scripts tell us to improvise around Denki. The author knows that if she gives him a real script, he'll butcher it.

        Momo: Why do I have so few lines?
        Higakure: Honey, don't complain.
        Ojiro: At least you get screentime.
        Koda: We're hardly even mentioned.

        Sero: Bro, my script says I get to be a stoner.
        Sero: I can't wait to tell my mom!

        Bakugo, takes deep breath: FUCK, SHIT, PUSSY, ASS, MOTHERFUCKING, DAMN, BITCH--
        Todoroki: What is he doing?
        Midoriya: Practicing for his script.
        Todoroki: And what is he doing.
        Midoriya: Practicing for his script.

        Tokoyami: I am the background. I am one with the wall. A side piece, nothing more--
        Ojiro: Tokoyami, stop that.
        Higakure: I'm literally invisible.
        Ojiro: Don't you start.

        Kirishima: What can I help you guys with?
        Todoroki: Midoriya wants to know if you have a problem with his cooking
        Midoriya, storming in: Damn right I do! What right do you have to turn your nose up at the food that has been provided to you! I slaved over a hot stove for three hours, the least you can do is try it! You wanna go, pal?
        Kirishima: *losing it*

        Shinso: The best part about working here is that I'm scheduled to be filming as if I were a man cast member.
        Shinso: However, I'm not a main cast member yet.
        Shinso: So the author just kind of lets me sleep behind the counter in every scene. As a result, I have more screentime than anyone else in the cast, including Kirishima.
        Shinso: The best part is that Kiri accidentally stepped on me once while they were filming and he felt so bad that he bought me breakfast and cleared out the props under the counter so he wouldn't do it again.

        Mina: Kiri, have you seen my earbuds?
        Kirishima: No, but I found the venti unicorn frappuccino that I know you hide in the fridge of every set.
        Mina: ...
        Kirishima: *big sips of the coffee* Busted. This tastes like diabetes in a can, by the way.

        Mineta: Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
        Mineta: Why is everyone ignoring me?
        Midoriya: The new scripts came out today.
        Mineta: So? What does that--oh my god I have to what? To who?
        Midoriya: Exactly.

        Oof, that's all for today. I figured if didn't have to be ginormous if it was a blooper chapter, it just had to be funny. Anyways, do I have any readers that hunt? Ever been duck hunting? Maybe you've seen the labradors that run after the birds. Well those dogs have to be trained, and we train them by launching dead ducks out of a slingshot. I am currently, sitting in a bush, holding the release chain to a massive slingshot. Best job ever. Happy Birthday Kiri. Happy Birthday Tetsu.

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now