Villain's Day-Halloween Special

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This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!
        Shut up, don't mind me. Happy Halloween everyone.
        Haha, look at me, I did a super long update again. Aww, were you guys expecting Halloween fluff? HA! Enjoy this mess of angst and ago y we're about to dive into. Buckle up, buttercups.
        OH. Before I forget--
        I'm the author, this isn't canon, I can do what I want, I present you Hitoshi Shinso, co-producer of chaos.

        Halloween is an old, outdated practice.

        In a world where quirks run rampant, nightmares and fantasies quickly became reality. What was the point of fearing ghosts when a ghost-like villain was much more likely to appear in front of you? Every year, less and less kids wanted to be vampires or werewolves--they wanted to be villains and heroes.

        And because freakish things always happened on Halloween, fifty years after the appearance of quirks, Halloween had officially been changed to International Villain Acknowledgment Day (though that was a mouthful, so everyone simply called it Villainy Day). Kids would dress up as Heroes or Villains (usually the later, as Heroes' Day was in May) and participate in mock fights in their neighborhoods.

        And nobody loved Villainy more than the heroes.

        Standing in front of his mirror, Eijiro Kirishima couldn't help but wonder how his boyfriend had convinced him to do this. It had started with Midoriya, he supposed, and Bakugo would be damned if he went along with the greenette's plan alone. Well, it wasn't really a plan, was it? Just a simple dress up, right?

        'Just a simple dress up' was how Kiri found himself standing in his dorm room, blinking at his mirror, on a perfectly normal Saturday morning. 'Just a simple dress up' is what had landed him in tattered black skinny jeans belted to his waist by several sets of dangly silver chains, heeled leather combat boots that came almost to his knee and showed more silver clasps than he had cared to count, and a shredded red crop top worn beneath a ripped, sleeveless, black, spiked leather vest. Not to mention leather and fishnet gloves fresh or of Mina's closet and the make up that the redhead couldn't decide made him look incredibly sexy or incredibly depressed.

        To top it off, the pinkette had rifled through every drawer in his apartment to find his old piercings. She could have asked, he would have told her they were in the bathroom, but nooo. She just had to find the black jewelry all by herself, didn't she? Just had to make a mess of his bedroom.

        And so fragile black chains dangled from his ears, contrasting  against the rubies they were set against. The black metal kinda matched the barbed wire covered baseball bat resting against his shoulder, but Mina had often said that Kiri was a bad judge in fashion. Katsuki said that too, usually whenever he stumbled across the redhead's crocs.

        "Babe, hurry the fuck up and let's go!"

        "When the hell will you learn to knock first, Katsuki?" Kiri snapped.

        Knocking was overrated, as Katsuki Bakugo simply opened the door anyways, probably secretly hoping that his boyfriend wasn't completely dressed. Either way, the blonde stopped in the doorway, leaving against the frame with an appreciative smirk.

        Kiri might of blushed, if he'd been paying attention to that at all. As it was, he got kind of distracted by the (fake) blood spattered white t-shirt with a snap back cap from the Ground Zero merchandise line worn under the matching hoodie that had been almost hacked to pieces. He'd chosen pants nearly identical to those of his hero costume, but military fatigues, and Kirishima wondered if they were the prototype inspired by Katsuki's 'kill-with-your-knees' philosophy. He sported quite a few more grenades than usual, he'd worn his makeup to look like gunpowder smears, and the boots around his feet were the same signature stompers. Was that a choker around his neck?

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