Eijiro Kirishima-In Case it Wasn't Clear

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        Eijiro Kirishima was a nervous wreck.

        He wasn't even trying to hide it at this point. Any interaction now ended with the redhead dissolving into a stammering, blushing mess. Ironically enough, the only time he could manage to keep these feelings inside was when Bakugo--Katsuki--his boyfriend--the beautiful man that for whatever reason had decided to pursue him--was in the same room.

        Correction: Katsuki apparently had to be conscious, so Recovery Girl had not made things easy on him. And Mina and Midoriya just sat there laughing at him--because he wasn't just going to leave Katsuki at the nurse while he was healing, it felt unmanly.

         But Recovery Girl asked so many questions and they were so invasive, and he didn't even know the answers. He was thankful that Midoriya was there and did seem to know the answers. He was also thankful that he didn't seem to need to explain anything to his boyfriend's best friend, because he was sure he would not escape that conversation without dying of embarrassment inside.

        Midoriya's healing took much less effort. Katsuki, meanwhile, had kind of dislocated his patella, which Kiri hadn't known was possible and had required the blonde to take a short nap in the nurse's office. He woke up expectedly grumpy, but the small kiss to Kiri's cheek made dealing with that completely worth it.

        But the kissing. Oh, fuck, the kissing and most other affectionate gestures Katsuki had manifested overnight took an egg beater to his feelings and scrambled them all up again, and he knew he looked like a lost, braindead, dork after Katsuki kissed him, but he couldn't fricking help it. It felt nice. He liked it. And Katsuki seemed to like it too since he laughed at the dumb face and kissed it again before leaving to join Midoriya for their usual Friday patrol.

        Which left him with Mina, who went right back to teasing him--

        "I'm just saying, Kiri, you could stand to not have a heart attack every time he smiles. Or, you know, breathes. Or blinks. Did you know you can hold your breath linger than you can keep your eyes open?"

        --all freaking night.

        "Mina, it's three a.m.," he groaned, wishing time passed slower so he could feel like he got enough sleep. "We took the midnight patrol, I'm worn out. I'm tired."

        "Yeah, but you ain't sleeping," she grinned matter-of-factly. "We both know your sleep schedule is more fucked up than the porn shit we found in Mineta's closet after he moved out. If you were going to pass out, you would have done it the second we got back, but you're not going to pass out because you miraculously managed to get your week's worth of sleep in a single night." She whistled in awe, stretching out over his couch, tangled in the spare blankets he had given her.

        Kiri half-wished he hadn't told her that he planned on staying at his apartment for the night. Since tomorrow was a Saturday and their classes were in the afternoon, he figured he could spend his morning with his flowers. Now he was just hoping he'd get

        "Five whole hours," she continued. "Maybe you should ask to stay over again."

        Kiri rolled over and shoved his face into a pillow. "Mina, I'm not going to do that."

        "He'd probably let you, ya know. You being all big, buff, strong and cute gives him heart attacks, too."

        "Go to sleep, Mina."

        "Aw~ I'm right, aren't I? You blushin', he blushin', you two boys be blushin' together~" She teased with a dreamy sigh. "Oh, my heart. So cute."

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