Katsuki Bakugo-fUCK

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        Katsuki wasn't nervous.

        No, why ever would you think that? Katsuki Bakugo doesn't get nervous. He'd lived through explosions and earthquakes and kidnappings--all sorts of horrible, terrifying things. And he'd won, so there was no reason to be scared of those things anymore, right? RIGHT?

        So why the fuck did he want to jump off the fucking Tokyo tower? HUH?

        No, he wasn't nervous. People got nervous in planes--okay, admittedly, Bakugo was slightly scared of planes. There wasn't near enough room and people were loud and irritating, and when Bakugo got irritated he tended to explode, but he couldn't do that on a plane because then they'd all explode.

        Okay, past the planes, though. There were no planes involved, and Katsuki was safely on the ground. Well, not on the ground, but on his bed. In his room. In the dark. With a boy.

        Fuck, no he wasn't nervous. If anything, he was mad. Fuck Mina for gathering the idiots in his room. Fuck Sero for crawling in through the window while he was out to hook up Denki's wii game to his T.V. Fuck Denki FOR GIVING HIM THE WII.


        He knew this was the bitch's plan, but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. Not when Kirishima was already here, seated comfortably on his dorm room floor, absolutely kicking his ass at fucking MARIO KART.

        Everything had been tolerable, albeit barely and still very against Katsuki's will, for all of five minutes. Then Round-Cheeks called Mina with a hyper-critical girls emergency (which was probably fucking shopping) and Denki and Hanta had both remembered that they had an English essay due tomorrow (which, granted, they did, but who the fuck schedules an involuntary game night and then dips like fucking wusses.) That left him and Kirishima to play video games. Alone. And like hell would Katsuki be the one to back out of this.

        The only way any of them would walk away from this mess unharmed was if the night went off without a hitch and he woke up in the morning with a boyfriend, but given Katsuki's track record with dates, they'd be lucky if he even bothered leaving peices for the others to find.

        Katsuki wasn't panicking. To panic, you had to be nervous, and Katsuki wasn't nervous. Not at all. Not even about a cute boy. Even if this cute boy was in his room. In the dark. Just the two of them.

        Fuck. He was screwed--and it was worse because he wanted to get screwed. And poor Kirishima had no idea. He just remained completely and adorably oblivious, as always. The redhead had been asked to hang out by Mina, after all, so any other implications had probably flown right over his head. None of this was his fault, and even if it had been, it was hard to be mad at personified sunshine.

        But the fact that Kirishima didn't know Katsuki was dying didn't mean the blonde was dying any less.

        "Fuckfuckfuckfuck--WHY DOESN'T THIS THING TURN ANY FASTER?!" He vented his nerves at the tiny cars on screen. Why had he wanted to play as Bowser again?

        "It's Rainbow Road, it's not supposed to be easy!" Kirishima shot back, navigating a turn far ahead of Katsuki with ease.

        "No, fuck you. I will beat you, you shit-haired loser!"

        "Suuure, you will," the redhead teased unenthusiasticly.

        A shiny red car rammed into Bakugo-Bowser from behind, knocking him once again off the rainbow and into the void. Shitty fucking metaphor-- "DID YOU JUST-?!"

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