Eijiro Kirishima-Sleepover Spoons

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        The days ticked by. School continued as it always had, interspersed with patrols; often at night or in the afternoon, but sometimes in the morning too. Flowers came and went out of Chivalrous Arrangements, along with new staff from the other courses and years to help give Tamaki a break. Mina started mandating weekly movie nights after her and Sero's combined birthday party went up in flames, mostly to get Tokoyami and Shinso out of their rooms. (The party had been awesome, actually, but Mina insisted they all play seven minutes in heaven and Todoroki panicked in a closet.) 

        Katsuki often fell asleep before the movies were over and Eijiro found he liked laying on the couch with him, or carrying him to bed when the movie ended. Katsuki became very clingy when he was tired, not that Eijiro would ever be allowed to tease him about it--he didn't want to risk losing his angry Katsuki cuddles.

        Eijiro grew comfortable. With his new home, with his life, and his blossoming relationship, until the strange and wonderful... wasn't strange anymore. Katsuki greeted him nearly every morning with a coffee and a kiss, a ritual Eijiro was beginning to cherish as much as he cherished the man himself. He even grew comfortable with the times when making out went on a little too long, when they both got a little too handsy and he had to take an extra shower before using his boyfriend as a pillow again.

        Sometimes he waited, relaxing into Katsuki's body until the fingers stalled in his hair, when Katsuki would lean over and whisper at him. Those words floated around him most days, carried into his dreams and tied his heart into happy little knots, he loved them so much. Loved him. Katsuki.

        With every day, his nerves settled, until most days they didn't bother him at all.

        His friends got louder. Sero being twenty meant he no longer needed to hide his alcohol. (Legally, that is. Aizawa still could and would confiscate it in a heartbeat.) Mina developed a newfound love of margaritas and Denki claimed to know how to make a mean screwdriver. Eijiro did not participate, realizing that his October birthday made him the baby of their friend group, but he didn't much care for alcohol anyway. He'd heard it was supposed to make you feel fuzzy. Distant. He didn't like that.

        The days trailed into August, a perfect haze of eat, sleep, study, patrol, kiss, repeat. He discovered that Katsuki was more than willing to help him study, but less willing to do so quietly, and it became so fun to dodge a rolled-up magazine that he said stupid things on purpose. Katsuki noticed, and moved to a spray bottle, which was considerably less fun.

        Eijiro was happy.

        The fun lazy days came to an abrupt end when Eijiro got a phone call late one Saturday morning, the rug swept out from under him with a handful of bright words, happy despite their bad news.

~~~        ~~~        ~~~

        Uraraka beat him into class, panting at a near hyperventilating rate before Eijiro and Shinso caught up. Aizawa raised an eyebrow at them, shuffling his lesson plans and quietly awaiting an explanation. Aside from their teacher, the class was empty.

        "How--" Eijiro fought to catch his breath, clutching the stitch in his side. They'd frantically run all the way from Chivalrous Arrangements the moment he got the call, temporarily on an early close. They'd left a note for the usual afternoon staff, sent Tamaki a 9-1-1, and rushed out the door, needing to catch hold of Aizawa as soon as possible. "How serious were you when you offered the class?"

        "You'll have to remind me what conversation this was," Aizawa deadpanned, looking very unimpressed.

        Eijiro shook his head to clear it a little bit. "Wedding catering. We were talking about work internships. The-- the temp agency that was supposed to help me set it up just canceled on me for another venue."

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