Eijiro Kirishima-Court Dates

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🥲 I'm having to go back to school today, so to protest, I'm shooting of an update.
(As I think to myself, 'I'll just add this little note and update,' the bus rolls down the end of the street and I have to turn into Barry Allen to catch it. Damn school.)

        Eijiro shouldn't have been so surprised when Katsuki woke him up extra early one morning, pounding on his dorm door with a steaming plate of breakfast tacos and what looked like a suit. It took Ei a minute to catch up.

        His court date was today.

        The reality of all this finally set in when Katsuki dragged his half-conscious log of a self to the bathroom and shoved a toothbrush into his hands—"Don't eat and brush your teeth at the same time, dumbass!"—and started combing through his hair. His roots were starting too show again, just a little, he had to be in a courthouse in four hours, and he still didn't even know who the fuck his lawyer was.

        He didn't tell Katsuki that. He was very careful not to tell Katsuki that. That he had been avoiding this situation maybe just a little bit too long.

        Eijiro finished with his teeth and washing his face to the feeling of Katsuki's fingers tugging at his hair, glancing up to see that in his short few minutes of his distraction, Katsuki had managed to braid his hair back into something that looked formal and presentable. The blonde grinned at him in the mirror, bending over his shoulder to kiss his cheek. He'd really been trying recently to make up for the misunderstandings over the weekend, and Eijiro just kept wondering how he'd found a guy as great as Katsuki.

        "Thanks," Eijiro managed, finding Katsuki's hand on his shoulders and pulling him closer. Katsuki's hands were always warm and smooth because of his quirk, the comforting caramel and woodsmoke of his natural scent always strongest there, and he tried not to be weird kissing some of those fingers.

        "Don't thank me just yet," Katsuki chuckled, and Eijiro blinked and turned to him at the comment.

        Which was a mistake, he quickly realized, because Katsuki bopped him on the nose and he choked on the powdery cloud that erupted from the brush. "Kat!"

        Katsuki cackled in the way that only Katsuki did, the evil little jerk. He only took hold of Eijiro's chin and continued with his powder treatment, and Eijiro only just now noticed the bag of torture tools resting on the next sink looking far too similar to Mina's.

        Speaking of, the door to the bathroom skipped open and the pinkette in question was suddenly slung around he shoulders, beaming at his boyfriend. Katsuki glared when he tried to turn, so stayed still. "G'morning, Mina. You know this is the men's room, right?"

        "Really?" She gasped sarcastically. She threw pointed glances to Eijiro's blowdryer and Katsuki's skincare bag before her eyes landed on the three multicolored loofas in the fat shower that Shoji liked to use. "Doesn't look it."

        Katsuki rolled his eyes, frowning when Eijiro smiled at her joke. "Stop talking to my victim," the blonde ordered. "He responds and gets distracted."

        Mina quipped out a comeback without missing a beat. "I think there's something far more distracting right in front of him. Who's ready for the big day?" She added, ignoring the mirrored blushes on both boys.

        "Totally ready," Eijiro lied, half distracted by the petty shade dusting Katsuki cheeks and more distracted by the churning pool of nerves deep in his gut. "Yep. One hundred percent. Couldn't be more ready."

        Katsuki bopped him with the brush again. "You really are a horrible liar. Now, close your eyes."

        Eijiro pouted in retaliation, but Mina kissed the top of his head while he was distracted and squeezed his shoulder. "It's why we love ya, babes. I'm going to go check on Midori and call Tamaki, but Ochaco's ready when you are."

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