Katsuki Bakugo - Easy Mornings

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        In the morning, he didn't want to leave. He didn't want to get stuck in another week of being separated, another week of feeling alone with this big gap in his relationship. Last night's talk had mended it, but there was still a hole. 

        So it was a good thing that Eijiro always held him close when they slept, because despite Katsuki's exhausted willingness to ignore the alarm, the redhead still managed to wake him when he reached to turn it off. Katsuki teetered on the verge of falling back into sleep, but when Eijiro's warmth left a second later, he found himself awake for good.

        He pried open his eyes, pleased when they weren't immediately assaulted by sunlight, to find Eijiro quietly shuffling around in the dark. Pulling gel through his hair, finding the boots from his costume, moving so quietly as to not wake Katsuki. He was going out.

        He was going back on patrol.

        "Eiji," he hissed in disappointment, pushing himself up. Eijiro's head shot up, a guilty expression meeting him. "The fuck do you think you're going?"

        Eijiro avoided the question, moving to instead tuck Katsuki back into bed with forehead kisses like he could make it all go away. "Hey, morning babes. Didn't mean to wake you up—"

        "Answer the goddamn question," Katsuki pushed him off. "It is six-thirty in the fucking morning, your last patrol ended not six whole hours ago, you've got maybe four hours of sleep in your system, and you haven't eaten in two goddamn days. So where the fuck do you think you're going?"

        "I've got a block in the schedule to cover, it's no big deal. I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it—"

        Every sentence came with a kiss to Katsuki's head like Eijiro was having trouble pulling away. His hands lingered like he didn't want to leave either.

        Katsuki just short of snarled at him, reaching out for a handful of his T-shirt to hold him hostage. "Eiji, you're full of shit and we both know it. A Sunday morning that you stayed at the dorms instead of going back to your place? Aizawa's got you on the weekend joint patrol, those shifts are eight fucking hours at best and that's only if the evening shift remembers to show up on time."

        Eijiro groaned, his head thunking down against Katsuki's shoulder. Defeat. "It's just one more patrol, baby. Aizawa's had me on shifts like this all week—"

        "Yes, I know, and I'm fucking sick of it," Katsuki snapped. "He's trying to keep you busy, and he's trying to keep you distracted, and I appreciate it but he's keeping you away from me. So, what? I get one long conversation a week and we call it even? Is that how this is going to be? 'Cause that's shitty, Eiji."

        "No!" Eijiro picked himself up and kissed his temple hard. He really wasn't happy about this either. "Look, I know it's sucks, but Aizawa promised it would only be this week."

        Katsuki called that bullshit at once, fighting off the blankets and sheets. "A logical ruse to get you to agree with him! Ei!"

        "Well—maybe," Eijiro conceded with a tense sigh. "And you're right, I haven't really fought him on it, but I'm not too stoked about being at school right now anyways."

        "And I get that, because the evil motherfucker is still breathing and all, but is it really too much to ask that I see you for more than two conscious hours on the weekend?"

        "Katsuki, please, do you think I haven't thought of that? I miss you too, but it's really not like I can just ignore Aizawa—I'll lose my scholarship, I can't risk that. Hell, I'm lucky that he seems actually concerned and isn't following school protocol by mandating that I go to therapy right now, since you know, panic-driven delusions caused me to attack another student—"

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