Eijiro Kirishima - The Consequences of Matrimonious Thoughts

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In today's episode of 'boys being boys' we are visited by the healthy and important conversation of safe sex practices and consequences.

        Eijiro noticed Katsuki acting strange at once. The blonde wouldn't meet his gaze, wouldn't even talk to him, to the point Eijiro started going back through the past hour for things he might've done wrong. He drew blanks, unless Katsuki was still mad at him for trying to rush out this morning, but that had been hours ago.

        Every few minutes, the toddler in his arms demanded more attention, giggling madly every time the hero made a face. His features kept changing, sharpening his nose, slanting his eyes, flaring his ears, rounding his jaw; a polymorph's quirk. Eijiro marveled at every new shift, praising when the boy grew himself a fluffy tail and tried to squirm out of his hold. He tried to hand him off to the babysitter, but the young woman wouldn't take him, terrified. To be fair, she'd been bitten during his tantrum, and now wouldn't even touch him.

        Denki had no such qualms, sprinting across the plaza to tackle Eijiro and steal the child from his arms. The toddler tried to bite him in retaliation, but stopped when sparks whizzed from Denki's nose and stood his hair on end. Denki babbled so much nonsense, like he understood everything the little boy said to him.

        Katsuki chose that moment to stop avoiding him, as close as the guise of hero professionalism would allow. Eijiro knew they shouldn't display affection openly as heroes, but that didn't stop him from hovering over him to whisper quietly while they watched their friend play with the little boy. "Have I done something wrong?" He asked.

        Katsuki's head snapped back to look up at him, eyes wide in the black setting of his domino. "What? No. The fuck made you think that, Red?"

        Eijiro shrugged. "I don't know, you just seem... tense."

        Katsuki looked away again, clenching his jaw. He was tense, and there was definitely something on his mind. "It's nothing, Red. You're not in trouble. I'm just... I'll be fine."

        Eijiro hummed, not believing, but didn't try to push it.

        His attention was almost immediately captured by the kids mulling around the wreckage of the stage setup, a couple of bigger kids trying to raise the scaffolds back into place. Their music festival had been destroyed, and a lot of them were on the verge of tears, staring out at the chaotic ruins.

        Eijiro ruffled Katsuki's hair and called for Tetsutetsu. "Hey, Real Steel! You think we can rebuild this light rig before we go? I think these kids would appreciate it."

        Tetsutetsu blinked, considering only briefly before breaking out in a grin. "Hell yeah, man! It's a lot of heavy lifting, but it shouldn't be too hard. Hey, Ground Zero! Can your quirk weld?"

        Katsuki grunted an affirmation. "Yeah, but it's pretty unstable. It'd be about as effective as Chargebolt channeling plasma."

        Tetsu cocked his head at the other blonde, confused. "Plasma? Is that even something you can do?"

        "Dunno," Denki shrugged, holding up his prize Simba-style. "Never tried it. Sounds cool, though!"

        "Your help would be appreciated," Officer Tamakawa agreed. "But we'd like to ask another favor, too. The babysitter's too shaken up to take him home. Do your think one of you could accompany our officers to escort him home?"

        Denki's hand shot up. "Dibs! I got dibs!"

        Monoma sighed, sliding a hand over Tetsutetsu to steal a fresh copy of his quirk. "We'll both go with your officers. We'll need Real Steel's quirk in case he gets upset again."

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