Eijiro Kirishima - En Pointe

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        With the words "Family Festival" bright in the air, it took only three days for everyone in their class to lose their fucking minds. The entirety of the common living area had been rearranged, couches and tables pushed to the far corners of the room to account for a large area that the class could practice in. For a while, it looked big enough to practice all sorts of acrobatics or dance routines.

        But then Jiro had brought her amp down from upstairs, and now both her base and guitar lived on the window nook that Todoroki and Midoriya liked to read in. And her microphones, of which she had several, along with a surround sound speaker system. When someone brought up their surprise at never having heard her music in the dorms, Jiro confessed that her whole room had been sound proofed shortly after the class had first moved in.

        Only Momo was allowed to touch any of her instruments, and after a long debate between the merits of classical music, an enormous truck arrived in front of the dorms. Momo happily helped unload it.

        It was her piano. Her gorgeous white Bluthner grand. From home.

        Jiro's eye twitched, trying to conceal her excitement at such a majestic instrument. "Momo, when we were talking about 'the classics,' I meant classic rock. Not... Mozart powders Beethoven's wig."

        Momo snorted. "That ridiculous. Beethoven was nearly twenty when Mozart died, Mozart would never have powdered the boy's wig."

        "Momo, hunny, it's a good thing you're book smart."

        Eijiro was more in awe that she'd had it express delivered from her house than anything. He only knew the word Bluthner because it had been detailed in fancy gold lettering on the underside of the white lid when Jiro was allowed to lift it delicately to run her fingers over the keys. Momo looked ecstatic that her girlfriend liked it, flushed and giddy like a schoolgirl. She sat beside the other girl on the cushioned bench after the workers had brought it in, tucking it into the corner and creating a wide radius around it to ensure its safety.

        But then Katsuki had asked a seemingly harmless question about the model, and when she answered, his face went pale.

        "Money Printer," he said slowly, ignoring when Jiro hit him for the nickname. "Please tell me you did not just tell me that this piano is a Model 1 Queen Victoria. Because I like to think that you are one of the smarter morons here--" Jiro hit him again "--so there is no way that you just had your three hundred-thousand-dollar piece of artwork shipped here from your house." 

        Anyone within a twelve-foot radius took a step back from the piano, hands raised in surrender. Eijiro swallowed a sudden bout of nerves and took a seat carefully on the couch, far, far away. Denki was quick to join him.

        But Momo looked confused. "Of course, I did. No one's playing it at home, anyways--why would they? My brothers all prefer the Steinway in the hall."

        Katsuki blinked at her. 

        But Todoroki nodded sagely. "Personally, I prefer the Bechsteins myself. I don't play, I just like to pick Fuyumi's side when she argues with father."

        Katsuki promptly removed himself from the conversation. "I'm leaving you two to speak rich asshole by yourselves. Maybe Sonic will entertain your bullshit."

        Midoriya shouted after him as he left. "You like to forget that you're a rich asshole, too!"

        Iida did indeed entertain their debate on expensive pianos when he returned to the dorms fresh off patrol later that night. He apparently agreed with Todoroki. 

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