Denki Kaminari--Birthday Pi

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Bakugo got a bonus chapter, therefore, Denki gets a bonus chapter. This is a double holiday special for a happy blonde's birthday and the pride month we all know and love.
        Also, I was asked for more Sero moments, so here we are.
        Happy Birthday, Sparks!

        Denki hated tests. More importantly, Denki hated math.

        And today, on the shittiest Monday of the year, they had a math test.

        Actually, they had a pop quiz, so Denki hadn't known to study, so he was so devastatingly screwed. He'd just managed to get himself out of the twentieth place academic spot, and now he was going to be shoved right back in.

         "Kami, calm down," Sero grinned, elbowing the blonde as they got ready for class. They had a grand total of five minutes to ready their things for class, and Hanta was graciously using his prep time to console his best friend. Mina had already tried and failed, having the exact opposite effect, so Sero had sat on the desk between them. "It can't be that bad."

        "It's math," Denki argued, hunting desperately for his notebook. Static course through his body, causing him to shock everything he touched and his hair to stand on end. "Who the hell gives a pop quiz on a Monday? Some shit birthday this is turning out to be." Oh yeah. Then there was that. "My mom called me this morning, you know. I was really happy for all of two minutes before she reminded me that I'm hopelessly single and have been a comeplete failure in the grandchild department because 'you're not getting any younger you know, and a daughter and grandchild would be nice.' I'm twenty years old, for god's sake!" Granted, his morning had gotten better when he'd opened his bedroom door to the entire bakusquad hooting and throwing streamers.

        Sero blinked, reaching into the blonde's bag and pulling out the notebook he had shuffled past four times by now. "Grandchildren, huh?"

        Denki snorted. "I know, right? Can you imagine that? Me, with a child? I was so tempted to tell her she had a fifty-fifty shot of getting a daughter-in-law, even if I do eventually find someone to settle down with."

        "Do it," Bakugo challenged. He was sitting on Tsu and Kirishima's desk behind them, scanning his boyfriend's notes before the test started to make sure they were correct.

        "That is not how I want to come out to my parents, Bakugo," Denki protested.

        Kirishima shuddered. "I don't blame you. Parents are scary."

        Bakugo shoved a hand through the redhead's spikes. "You talking shit about my parents?"

        "Babe, I love her to death, but your mother is absolutely terrifying," Kiri protested.

        Mina giggled. "My parents are the nicest women on earth, and they scared him too."

        "They're so excited all the time!" He yelped. "I can't take three Mina's in the same room!"

        "Alright, class," Ectoplasm called, "times up. Find your seats and prepare to begin."

        Denki whined. Sero clapped him on the back as he and Bakugo left, wishing him luck. Mina smiled at him. He felt like curling up into a ball and crying until he ran out of tears.

        Aoyama and Ojiro in front of them passed them tests, and they passed the extras back to Tsu and Kirishima. Kaminari gulped as he opened the packet, and died when he read the questions.

        A fifty question test. Over next unit.

        The entire class panicked, or at least showed some form of surprise. Denki's friends looked at him as tears welled in his eyes from the absolute dread. Most of them would be fine. Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, and Midoriya always read ahead in the text book, and they always made sure that Uraraka, Jiro, and Kirishima were with them as far as concepts went. Mina had always been good at bullshitting out answers, and Sero was unbelievably lucky with 'eenie-meenie-miney-mo.'

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