Mina Ashido-The Dreaded Place

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        Mina Ashido sat quietly, watching her best friend breathe. She'd taken to running her fingers gently through his soft red hair while he slept, trying to comb some level of sanity into the limp strands that had fallen out of their usual wild spikes. The beeps on the monitor filled the otherwise still room, the air heavy with the scent of bleach and cleaning alcohol. The monitors were almost never used at the school, which told her that her friend probably wasn't as well off as the nurse tried to make it appear.

        It had been hours, and he was still asleep. In this school, hours under the nurse's care was a damn accomplishment, and not a good one.

        God damn it, Bakugo.

        Kirishima still looked like shit--Mina supposed almost dying three or four times would do that to a person. Though all the open wounds and broken bones had been healed by Nurse Shuzenji and most of his swelling had gone down, most of his face and upper body were still layered in dark bruises of varying shades. He'd pulled himself into a semi-conscious state a few times, only to be forced back down by the nurse's quirk so he could heal.

        He was going to yell at something when he came to for good--he hated being forced to sleep. People were vulnerable when they slept, something the redhead knew better than anyone. Most people looked peaceful when they slept--Kiri always looked tense.

        "So, do we just sit and watch him sleep? That's kind of creepy."

        Mina sucked in a slow breath through her nose. Between Bakugo's excessive violence and Hanta and Denki's complete lack of tact, she was at her wit's end with the fools she called friends. "Kaminari, if you want to stay, you have to be quiet."

        "Yeah, but... I'm bored."

        She sighed dramatically. Most of the class had stopped by to check on their new classmate after the math class that no one had wanted to pay attention to, and once they found out that Kirishima was still out cold, most of them had left. Midoriya had stayed around for a little while with one of his crazy little notebooks. He'd pretended not to notice the weird looks people shot at him while he muttered to himself.

        Denki and Sero had stayed with her the most, though they'd leave to go find more snacks whenever they got bored. An hour ago, they'd managed to convince Mina that it was her turn to go find the vending machines. She'd come back to find that without her supervision, the idiots had started making memes about their red haired friend.

        We came in like a wrecking ball-- he was the ball.

        Mina'd had to remind them that no one had done this to them when they were both passed out from Kaminari's lightning attack.

        "What happened to the thrilling game of ping pong you guys were playing with the wall?" She reminded them. "Or the sour strings you were sticking up each other's noses? Maybe the magic card deck would keep you entertained long enough for Kiri to grace us with his endlessly entertaining conscious prescence."



        The pair pouted at her, settling back in to glare at the sleeping redhead, attempting to will him back to conciousness. Anyone with half a braincell would tell you it didn't work.

        And what almost made it worse was that they were probably doing this shit on purpose. Truthfully, Mina was pissed--the quiet kind of fury that stewed until it boiled over--and they knew that. They were trying to offer her an outlet before she ran into someone in the hallway and randkmly stabbed them.

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