Easter Special

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Happy Easter! I just had to hide forty easter eggs for a six-year-old to find. I hope all of you are having a wonderful day, a wonderful week, and a wonderful holiday.

        The annual UA Easter egg hunt, the event of the year. The day that every child within a hundred miles of the campus gathered on the courtyard for the famed Hunt-with-the-Heroes (free childcare provided by the heroes themselves).

        Which meant the students had to dress up and prepare to be left on babysitting duty.

        "Shitty-Hair, you put your headpiece in my locker again," Ground Zero growled as he slammed the door. "Have you seen my fucking boots? Did you steal them again?"

        "Yes, I'm sorry," the redhead stumbled across the room, boots in hand. "Hey, Denki, don't forget to recalibrate your radio receiver since you and Sero played cops and robbers this morning."

        "Sero, I'm confiscating your weed!" Ingenium barked as he left, a bag of green leaves dangling from his hand.

        "Oh, no!" Cellophane gasped dramatically. "Not my..." He waited until the door closed behind him before pulling an identical bag out of his belt. "Decoy batch."

        Ground Zero, his feet now firmly encased in his favorite boots, snatched the bag out of his hands on his way out the door, ignoring the other boy's protests. "You'll get this back when we're done with the brats," he grimaced.

        "Speaking of kids, we're late," Deku scolded. "Come on, let's get a move on."

        "Don't fucking tell me what to do, shit head, I'm already outta here."

        "Bakubro, calm down."

        "Alright!" Chargebolt grinned, bolting for the door after Zero. "Let's go meet some kids!"
        The other's were quick to follow, and Red Riot shielded his eyes against the bright light as they stepped out onto the lawn, greeted by a flood of expectant children. Most of them swarmed instantly, making beelines for Shoto, Deku, Uravity, or Ground Zero climbing their limbs like jungle gyms. Red wasn't disappointed--he hadn't gotten much media coverage, so most kids didn't know who he was yet, and for now, he was content to watch Ground Zero regret being popular.

        " Off, maggots!" The blonde snapped, shaking five-year-olds off his gauntlets. "Oi! Who said you could touch me?"

        Luckily, his new followers shared his rough, explosive temperament, or they'd have a lot of crying children to deal with.

        "Zero, careful what you say to kids," Riot laughed. "They'll eat you alive."

        Roughly a dozen angry faces turned and glared at him. "Move it, extra," they quipped.

        Zero bristled. "Don't fucking say that to him," he scolded, lifting a child by the back of his collar, who tried to touch his mask.

        "Watch your mouth," Red warned lightly. "Kids pick up bad words like the plague."

        "Kids are the plague."

        Deku walked up to the pair, the children hanging off him perfectly well behaved. "Kacchan, be nice to the kids."

        "Fuck off."

        Deku glared, but gave up his point, noticing that Red Riot had no fan group. He pulled a kid off his shoulders, nudging him towards the bigger hero. "This is my friend, Red Riot," he prodded. "He's a hero, too!"

        The small child, maybe six years old, looked up at Riot with big blue eyes. The redhead smiled broadly. "Hi, there!"

        The boy returned the grin, liking Red Rot instantly, bolting to climb Riot and grab at his headpiece. The hero swayed, laughing, with the sudden movement. Another pair of kids traded looks, noticing that Red Riot was much taller than the other two heroes and would be much more fun to climb, so both abandoned Ground Zero to cling to the redhead's forearms.

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