Katsuki Bakugo-Hyacinth

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Computer trouble, weather trouble, family trouble, creative trouble--what do these things have in common?
        They keep me from appeasing the masses.
        Well here, masses. Be appeased.
        On a side note, I got a new computer keyboard and decided to paint it, and my first inspiration came in the form of a SPACE bar. So I put a moon and stars on my space bar and I'm the only person that found it hilarious. Boo you, Mom and Dad, I can be funny.
        I also changed the chapter title at the last second because I thought Wattpad would appreciate me not cussing in the title.

        Saturday, Bakugo felt like shit. He felt... he felt like calling his mom.

        And that was preposterous. His mom couldn't help him. She couldn't just magically bring things back to life. Hell, she'd probably just yell at him like she always did. He'd killed them, it was his fault, and he knew he needed to accept that and move the fuck on.

        He fiddled with the new silver lip ring, hating it. He couldn't help it. Maybe if he had been where he should have been, taking care of his stupid fucking flowers instead of going to the stupid fucking tattoo place in the mall, they wouldn't be fucking dead.

        And that made it all the worse, just remembering everything he'd overheard while waiting for his regular piercer to hurry his ass the fuck up. Gajeel Redfox was probably the only person Bakugo trusted near his face with a needle, though he didn't exactly know why that was. Probably because he had so many piercings of his own. He was also extremely popular among their clients, so even though Bakugo had made an appointment, he'd had to wait before getting in the chair for a single hole in his lip.

        And he had nearly jumped out of his skin when Mina fucking waltzed into the shop wight behind him, dragging a very attractive, very unenthusiastic redhead behind her. He taught bits and snippets of their conversation while Gajeel laughed quietly at him (earning him the familiar Katsuki Bakugo glare), correctly guessing that he should hold off on the piercing just to listen in.

        "Didn't Bakugo say you'd look really good with a piercing a few days ago?"

        "I'm not changing parts of myself so that a boy will like me." 

        "You're not. You got earrings because I'm scared of needles and You Know Who was a major douche who didn't like them. Besides, you totally wanted to become the guy that can rock pink feather earrings and still look manly."

        Of course, what he'd heard had only left him with more questions. And a vivid image of Kirishima in pink feather earrings.

        He hadn't talked to Deku about this problem, and he was actually kind of regretting that now. Hell, maybe Deku would have something useful to say for once--or maybe he would have just oozed out that unwanted sympathy of his, a thought which made Bakugo glad Deku had no business in his problems.

        And speaking of his problems. The fucking dreams wouldn't go away. His overactive imagination was just leaking out all over his normal sleep and not helping one single fucking bit. Oh, it was horrendous.

        Pair that with the fact that Bakugo had killed the flowers, and it was getting really fucking hard for him to look Kirishima in the eye.

        Apparently, Kirishima didn't want to look at Bakugo either. Not in the eye, anyway. There were several times in class and during training when Bakugo could feel the crimson eyes in the back of his skull, but by the time he looked back, the redhead would be buried in his notes or actively engaged in conversation not looking at Bakugo in the slightest. 

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now