Katsuki Bakugo--Studying Sucks

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        Katsuki Bakugo growled, stomping away from the redhead and back up the path to the dorms. The boy was insufferable--absolutely fucking infuriating. Stupid happy boy with his stupid quirk and stupid muscles. Stupid white sharky smile and stupid happy laugh. Stupid everything.

        Why the fuck haven't I asked for his god damn number yet? He growled to himself.

        His class had gathered in the common room by the time he got back, Pony-Fuck and Earplug laying out diagrams and flashcards on the coffee table. Sonic had helped them make note sheets, and he was passing them around the room. Deku came in from the kitchen with a tray and handed Bakugo a coffee mug as he passed. Black.

        "Okay, everyone come sit down now," 3D-Printer beckoned. "Everything's set up."

        "Where's Sato?" Round-Face whined, rubbing at her eyes and choosing a mug off of Deku's shitty tray. She had expected to sleep in today, and her and Racoon-Eyes had been awake all night. The pink alien girl was sitting beside her, perfectly awke and disgustingly cheery, chatting with Invisibitch.

        "Hey, guys." The noise came from the laptop on the coffee table. Sugarboy's shitty face was on the screen, and he waved. There were other extras around him, and he had himself mostly on mute.

        Pikafuck and Tape-Face wandered in from the kitchen. "Hey, Bakugo," blondie called, "who were you running with this morning?"

        Racoon-Eyes looked up from her conversation with a smirk. Deku had been checking something in his notebook, but he looked up over the pages to send Bakugo a knowing smile. He glared back and growled. "None of your fucking business."

        "You seemed pretty pissed," the blonde boy laughed.

        You're always pissed.

        "Fuck off," he retorted.

        Acid-Freak snorted. "Red hair?" She guessed. "Six-six? Built like Hercules with the attitude of a puppy?"

        Oh, he'd forgotten that she knew.

        "I'm fucking leaving," Bakugo scowled, stomping for the elevator.

        "We'll take your flashcards," Ponytail threatened.

        "Oh, I'm going to fucking find them right fucking now," he smirked. "I'll burn the shits right in front of you extras and shove the ashes up your asses."

        "Bakugo!" Sonic screeched. "It is not polite to call people extras!"

        Bakugo turned to flip him off.

        "That is innappropriate, and vulgar!"

        "Iida, you'll only make it worse," Deku sighed. "Just leave him alone and let him drink his coffee before he kills someone."

        Bakugo grinned, sipping on his coffee as he continued up the stairs, on his way to change into his ugly-ass school uniform. He was not going to destroy his flashcards--they were way too fucking useful and had taken too much fucking time for him to make--but he was content with letting the others think that was where he was going. He showered too, rinsing off the godforsaken sweat that had accumulated over the run, among other things. A cold shower.

        He was feeling much more up to socializing with his shitty classmates by the time he returned with his science notebook. Curtesy of his quirk, his hair was the same poofy, dry, spiky mess it always ways, covering the evidence of his shower.

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