St. Patrick's Day Special

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I'm back~! I missed you guys! Lots of pinching ahead. I'm going off of the assumption that their uniforms are blue, not green, though they do seem to be a weird teal mix, don't they?

        Kirishima knew something was wrong when he returned from a run early Tuesday morning, sweaty and gross and limping slightly from overworking himself. First off, Denki, a boy who never woke up early, was wide awake, fully dressed, reclined on the sofa with his feet propped up on the coffee table. The redhead shuffled uncomfortably as the blonde took his time searching over Kirishima. His classmates may have called him dense when it came to romance, but... was... was Denki checking him out?

        A grin spread over Kaminari's face, the look terrifying Kirishima. Smiles were normal for Denki, but this look was almost... Evil. The blonde stood up, approaching him slowly, as if afraid to startle him, but his caution made the redhead more skittish.

        Then Kaminari reached forward, grabbed his cheek, and pinched.

        Pleased with himself, the blonde returned to his seat on the couch waiting for his next victim. Kiri blinked. Was... was that all?

        Midoriya passed by the doorway on his phone, pushing past Kiri into the room, but Denki didn't spare him a passing glance. The greenette dug his fingers into Kirishima's shoulder, the pinch swift and painful, causing him to yelp. "What is wrong with you people?" The redhead demanded, rubbing his shoulder.

        Denki and Midoriya exchanged surprised looks, and the blonde's grin widened. "Don't tell him."

        The shorter boy raised his hands in surrender, dropping his phone into his pocket and heading for the kitchen. "Wasn't going to." There was something about him today. He was bright--much brighter than usual.

        "Tell me what?" Kirishima growled, to which he was ignored. "Guys!"

        Denki flicked on the TV, leaving Kiri to suffer in the silent treatment. Sighing, he went upstairs to change into his uniform and spike his hair, readying himself for class and trying to get rid of his bitter mood. He returned to the common room as his usual happy self, only to be pinched again from both directions. "Guys!" He screeched in surprise, instantly irritated again.

        Denki and Midoriya started giggling. They had been joined by Mina, Sero, and Uraraka, and it sounded like Momo and Iida were in the kitchen. All of them were very amused.

        Kirishima was not. He pouted on the couch, watching closely every person that came down the stairs. Tokoyami and Shoji both got pinched, and both retreated back upstairs instantly. Tsu couldn't be bothered, and they left her alone. Todoroki threatened to burn someone, but Denki still managed to grab a bit of his thigh as he forced his way into the kitchen. Midoriya laughed, pinching the cross bi-colored boy's face before sitting him down at the table to pull back his hair and do something to his face. Mineta waltzed in proudly, a suggestive smile on his lips and his arms held aloft, but no one touched him, and he seemed to get bitter about it. Half of them pinched Kirishima as they came into the room, and he began growling at everyone that came down the stairs. He even bared his teeth, something he never did.

        Aoyama seemed to be the only one with a noticeable change in appearance. He had adorned his temples with green face gems and had subtly changed his makeup to shimmer the same color around them. No one pinched him.

        Tokoyami and Shoji came back down, the prince of darkness in a different color choker and his eight-armed bodyguard in a different mask. They didn't get pinched this time. Iida pranced into the room and was pinched, but he didn't seem to mind. Sero had somehow turned his tape green. Kiri noticed Momo was sporting new earings and Mina's hair was littered with new clips, and it looked like Uraraka had stolen a set of emerald bracelets Kirishima had once gotten the pink alien queen for her birthday. Green? Was that the trick?

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