Katsuki Bakugo- I Fucking Told Him So

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Today, we are discussing uncomfortable topics in insensitive/unorthodox manners. Furthermore: toxic/abusive relationships, mentions of past s/h and attempts, and talk of PTSD.


Katsuki cut his eyes to the idiot that had fallen into step beside him just outside the doors of their favorite air conditioned building. "Nerd."

Deku snorted. "You seem to be in a good mood."

"I hate you."

Deku rolled his eyes, butting Katsuki's shoulder lightly with his own. "Considering you didn't just cuss out my bloodline, I am correcting that to a great mood. What's been on your mind?"


"It's a Friday, Kacchan."

"Then it can wait."

"We are literally in the gym."

"I haven't hit you in the face yet."

        "Then I guess I better go down easy so you can get this out."

        "Don't you fucking dare," Katsuki snapped, insulted at the mere suggestion. "I don't need your pity, shitty Deku."

        Deku sent him a strained smile. "Sometimes, Kacchan... I really want to knock your teeth in."

        "You can try." Katsuki growled, dropping his heavy duffel next to their usual ring at the back of the complex. He watched Deku roll his eyes, kick off his shoes, and stretch his hamstrings on one foot, using the nearby wall for balance. "I'll kick your ass from here to Honolulu. What the hell are you wearing?"

        Deku blinked like he hadn't been expecting that question, looking down at himself. "Don't judge me, Shoto bought them."

        "Half-N-Half bought those ugly ass basketball shorts? Thought the prick had better taste than that."

        Deku took a second look at himself: the white t-shirt labeled workout, the braces on every joint, the gray flame-patterned basketball shorts, and— "Oh, I thought you were talking about the stirrups." —his leggings.

        "Why the fuck—" Katsuki kicked off his own running shoes, "—would I give you that ammunition?" Stirrups were comfortable, sue him. They supported his calves and they didn't ride up like normal leggings—and like hell he was going to wrestle with Deku without a pair of leggings.

        Deku stared at him blankly for a long second before the idiot cracked into a grin. "Aw~ Kacchan! Is this your way of saying you don't judge me?"

        "Ew, no."

        "That's so sweet! You're just a big softie inside, aren't you?"

        "DIE!" Katsuki hurled himself at Deku, catching the nerd around the middle and bodily throwing him into the mat. They collided hard, Deku's head smacking against the dense foam, and Katsuki ended up on top.

        "WaIt—Kacchan, I wasn't ready!"

        Katsuki punched him hard under his arm. "Don't shit talk me if you can't back it up, damn Deku!"

        "Ow! I hope this isn't how you treat Kirishima!"

        "How I treat Ei is none of your damn business! And I actually like him, unlike you."

        Deku kicked a leg up, catching Katsuki around his shoulder and flipped them, catching himself but throwing Katsuki face down onto the mat. He freed himself quickly, diving straight off the mat.

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