Eijiro Kirishima-Virgin Express

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        Eijiro knew Katsuki felt bad about their fight. His willingness to curl against Eijiro's side and let himself be publicly smothered with affection was testament enough to that. The blonde wasn't usually one for PDA, but for the moment, he didn't seem to mind.

        But Eijiro was finding he really liked being publicly affectionate. Every time Uraraka smothered a giggle or Momo shot him a supportive smile, he felt his heart expand a little more. An hour ago he'd been scared shitless, but now Katsuki sat in his lap in the middle of the common room, and everyone knew they liked each other, and it was normal. It was nice. And Katsuki, for the most part, looked happy. Pleased with himself, at least.

        But Eijiro still noticed when Katsuki started to withdraw, his tolerance for social interaction expended. The fuse ran short for good when Iida zipped down the stairs just after lunch, ran a full Recipro Burst lap around the room, stole the entire plate of spiked brownies from the kitchen, and ran away from Mina while screaming 'you don't understand, Mother, I have found the legendary ambrosia!'

        Eijiro rubbed a hand down Katsuki's arm when he noticed his boyfriend's eye start twitching after Iida slammed the door, Mina and Hanta on his heels desperately trying to retrieve their stolen weed. Shinso disappeared, not wanting to be anywhere near the trio when his father eventually came to investigate the chaos. "You good?"

        Katsuki's eyes flicked up at him, bright rubies despite their perpetual glower. "'M fine, babe."

        Eijiro tried really hard not to preen at the casual endearment, but he inevitably failed when Uraraka started cooing and Jiro rolled her eyes.

        Katsuki snapped at the punk girl. "The blatant hypocrisy coming off you right now is starting to get annoying, bitch."

        Momo bit back against a retort, knowing full well her girlfriend could take care of herself.

        Jiro only wrinkled her nose. "Boys are icky," she grumbled.

        "You are literally using her tits as a pillow."

        "Mm, it's comfortable. You're just jealous."

        Katsuki bristled, tearing himself out of Eijiro's loose hold to lean forward. "Jealous?! Of fucking what, prissy? This man is fucking massive! A goddamn god! Why the fuck should I be jealous of Creation-Station?!"

        Eijiro tried not to turn into a puddle at the aggressive over-complementing, but he did flush. Momo did try to retort then, but Jiro cut her off with a hand on her thigh. She glanced back down at her phone. "Unless he can make an instant strap on, a lot of reasons."

        Momo blushed vibrantly and Eijiro immediately lost track of the conversation. Uraraka suddenly seemed extremely interested.

        "Why the fuck would he need to?!"

        "Katsuki, what's a strap on?" Eijiro tried, hoping the blonde could explain.

        The girls choked, and Midoriya, seated on the other end of the couch, raised his notebook further over his face.

        Katsuki froze, turning and glaring at him forcefully enough to make him wither. "Don't ask me that."

        Eijiro whined in disappointment. "What? Why?"

        "No. You don't need to know anyway."


        "Ei. Drop it."

        His protests fizzled.

        Katsuki, unlike before with 'babe,' blushed when he realized which name he'd used and slugged Eijiro in the shoulder. "Fuck off, Shitty-Hair," he grumbled.

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now