Chapter One

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I take in a deep breath then push the door open.

"I'm home." I call and almost instantly my parents come rushing down the stairs. They look at me nervously and I smile as I pass them the paper.

"James this is brilliant!" My mother exclaims and I cant denny the pride bubbling up inside of me.

"It's only the mock exam results." I tell them like it's nothing but they just smile even more.

"If you get eights and nine in your mocks then I think your set to do your exams right now." My father says with a chuckle.

"Thank you but there's still a few things I could have done a bit better. I just need to revise a bit more before the real exams." I tell them but that doesn't knock the smile off their faces.

"We're so proud of you." My mother says before kissing the top of my head. "Has Becky got her results?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes, she's excited to tell you but tonight she has a meeting with her fathers finance officer just to make sure she understands everything." I tell them and my mother sighs.

"They push that girl to hard sometimes." She whispers sadly before a smile bursts back onto her lips. "Well done James."

I listen to my parents praise for a short while longer before making my way up to my room. I change into something comfortable and sit down at my desk. I open up my revision guide and power up my laptop.

I smile to myself as I remember the jovial looks on my parents faces. As I remember the praise from my teachers. As I remember my peers asking me for advice or just generally being wowed by my scores.

I really do have everything I want.

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