Chapter Fifteen

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I stare at him back guilt filling me up. I should have been looking where I was going but instead I was so wrapped up in how I was going to find him that I didn't see him speeding towards me.

From his limp I can tell that that fall hurt more then he's letting on. He also has a new bruise on his face that he didn't have the last time I saw him.

Maybe he got into a fight? He does seem to be the sort of person who keeps getting into fights. He seems angry all the time but maybe he has a good reason for that

People in the streets are staring at us and I feel so embarrassed. I've never done this before. I'm normal extremely street wise but for some reason I cant stop thinking about this boy.

I watch as he limps away and I feel my plan go down the drain. I should stop him but my mouth is dry and I feel like I'm being crushed under the judgment of everyone on this street.

All I have to do is ask him to lunch (classify that it's not a date), see that he's horrid and then let him go and never think about him again. I'll be able to get rid of him and finally I'll be able to concentrate on having a great life. I'll get a nice wife and get a great job making my parents proud and this boy will be nothing but a ghost in the back of my mind. He'll have nothing to with my future and I'll probably laugh about him breaking in when I'm older with my perfect children.

Life will be perfect and he'll have no part in it since only a boy from the poorer side of the city.

All I have to do is get him to go to dinner with me and then I'll see no more of him. I wont spend every minute of every day thinking about his wild golden hair and his crystal blue eyes. The scars littered across his face or the bruise that cover is pail skin.

How did he get those bruises? Probably in a fight but a fight against who and for what reason? Everything about this boy is a mystery that I want to solve. I want to know why he's the person he is and what led up to him meeting me.

Unable to let the boy go I take a deep breath and yell, "Wait!"

He turns to look at me with a bord expression and my heart hammers in my chest. I swallow down my nerves and take in another gulp of oxygen.

"Please go to lunch with me!"

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