Chapter Seventy-eight

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I'm leavin...

I'm finally leavin...

What am I doin?

I can't leave. I wanna but I can't.

I throw me bag onta me bed and stare at the fuckin moldy wall. I shake me head and sigh.

I've lived in this shit hole me whole life. Even thought they're shit, my parents have still let me stay here. They haven't kicked me out or killed me yet so maybe I shouldn't run away.

I phone James.

"Are you packed yet? My parents have okayed it all so now all we need is you." He says before I can say anythin. I don't wanna let him down but I'm gonna anyway because I'm a dick.

"I ain't comin." I tell him.


"I can't leave James. They need me." I tell him hatin how weak I am. He don't deserve this shit. He's too good for this crap and we both know it.

"I know that you're scared but..."

"I can't run away." I say sternly even though I really wanna. I wanna run away from this abuse and never look back.

"Don't then. Stay the night at mine and we can talk about it. You don't have to make a decision today but stay with me so we can talk it through." He suggest and I sigh.

"Ya know I fuckin hate talkin." I state and I can practically hear him chewin his lip nervously. "But I will for ya." I add so I don't make him feel bad.

"Thank you. It really means a lot." He tells me and I can't help but grin. James really does stuff ta me. I was hard core beforeor I met him.

No, I weren't.

"See ya soon then." I say tryin ta make it sound like me fuckin heart ain't beaten fast because I'm so fuckin scared.

"Yeah, see you soon." I hang up and shove the last of me crap inta me bag and sling it over me shoulder. I head outa me room and toward the front door hopin ta leave unnoticed.

"Where ya fuckin going?" Me old man snaps as he stands in front of the fuckin door.

"Out." I tell him tryin ta resist the urge ta take a step back.

"Ta work?" He says and I shake my head. "I didn' fuckin hear ya!" He tells and I flinch.

"Nah, I'm goin ta a friends." I tell him. I wanna say boyfriend but I know that he'd actually fuckin kill me for that.

"You ungrateful piece of shit!" He roars suddenly angry. I finally back away before he swings for me and he growls. "We care for ya and this is how ya fuckin treat us! Ya would be fuckin homeless without us!"

I retreat inta the kitchen which is littered with fuckin empty glass bottles and take away boxes.

I wanna show him that he can't fuckin get ta me. I wanna strike him back so fuckin hard that he don't know what hit him. I wanna make him pay for all the pain I feel.

"I'm leavin." I blurt out.

"Ya what?" He roars.

"I'm movin ta a friends and he's gonna help me get ya arrested!" I scream lettin me rage and pain take hold.

"No you ain't!" He roars.

"Ya can't fuckin stop me!" I scream back.

"Yeah I fuckin can!" He bellows as he snatches up a empty glass bottle. I watch as he lifts it and suddenly I realise that this is it.

I've fuckin done it now.

"I wish ya were never fuckin born." He snarls before swinging the bottle.

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