Chapter Eighty-one

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Luca looks small.

We all enter the room where he sleeps with his head now full of stiches. I sit down in the chair and take his limp hand in mine without really thinking about it.

"We don't suspect any brain damage but we'll remain unsure until he wakes." The doctor explains and I nod slowly as I rub my thumb back and forth over the back of his hand.

He looks so young.

Seb sits down on the end of the bed and looks down at Luca like he's a God.

"His shitty parents did this ta him." Seb tells the doctor and she nods.

"The police are looking into it." She tells us all with a warm smile on her face that suggests that crime isn't her area of expertise.

"When will he wake up?" I ask assuming that it is more in her range of expertise.

"We're unsure. Like I said before, the damage to his brain he may have sustained is unknown at this point in time." She explains softly and I nod wishing that I knew more.

He looks so damaged.

"Is there anything ya do fuckin know?" Seb snarls.

"Don't be rude." Oliver says as he sits next to Seb and rests his head on his shoulder. Rosa joins them and they all stare down at their wounded best friend.


A soft groan of pain anounces Luca's slipping back to reality. I squeeze his hand to let him know that I'm here and slowly his trembling fingers wrap loosly around my own.

"Luca?" I say as I watch his eyelashes flutter slightly before his eyes open a crack. He stares at the ceiling his eyes unfocused and glassy but then his vision slides to me and I feel myself starting to tear up.

He's awake.

"You're alright." I tell him as he tries to move looking suddenly panicked by everything. "I'm not letting anything happen to you again." I tell him and he watches me like he wants to say something but can't quite get his brain to work the way he wants it to.

"I'll go grab the doctor." Oliver says as he slides off the edge of the bed and wonders off.


After what feels like hours of waiting for the doctors to be checking his brain, we're finally allowed to relax in Luca's room.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"Fine." He tells me his voice small and his words slightly slurred.

"Ya took a fuckin nasty blow to the brain." Rosa informs him and he nods.

"I know. Doc said." He mutters as he stares up at the ceiling like he doesn't want to meet our gaze for some reason.

"It wasn't your fault. You just stay too long with the wrong people." Oliver states before he takes a bite of his fifth chocolate bar. I let him eat the sweets Officer Garrett brought me as well.

"I lost me temper." Luca tells us as he furrows his eyebrows like it's a strain to try and remember.

"So did he." Seb says at the same time as I say "Don't push yourself to think about it."

"Are ya tired?" Rosa asks him softly and he nods slightly. She jumps off of the side of the bed and then shoos Seb and Oliver away. She yanks the duvet up so its up to Lucas's chin and then kisses his stiched up face.

"What ya doin?" Seb asks her as I watch her pound the pillow like she's trying to fluff it.

"I'm tuckin him in." She snaps and I smile slightly at her small attempt of kindness.

"Will ya be here when I wake up?" Luca asks me and I nod.

"Yes. I'll definitely be here." I reasure him and he smiles slightly.

"Good." He whispers before he closes his eyes and let's the drowsiness from being injury and the pain killing drugs send him into a deep sleep.

I will always be here for him. Even when he doesn't want me to be anymore.

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