Chapter Thirty-eight

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I need to speak to Luca...

I don't believe what Brandon said. Of course I don't believe him because he's a horrid person.

I still need to speak to Luca though...

I believe Luca but I have a feeling that he's not telling us stuff. He's always kept his pain and suffering to himself so I'm starting to doubt that I can trust his word.

I want to speak to him but I just can't find the right time. I can't speak to him when Seb's present because that just won't end well. Seb will react badly and him and Luca will end up fighting.

I have to speak to Luca alone...

I need to know if what Brandon said was true. I need to hear Luca deny it without the hint of a lie in his voice.

He's out with James at the moment so I can't speak to him but I will when I next see him.

I thought that I could keep it to myself and live knowing that it's a lie but as the days move on I find myself becoming more and more curious.

The others have noticed that I'm quiter then normal and they know that it has something to do with Brandon. I will tell them all eventually but first I need to speak to Luca.

I have been friends with Luca for years and now I see him more like a brother. I can't stand the thought of anything bad happening to him. When Brandon had that knife I was so scared that Luca would die. He's reckless and just runs into stuff even though he knows he's going to loose.

I thought that Luca would be better now that he has James in his life. He now has a greater reason to live.

James doesn't know Luca...

Well, he knows Luca since they're dating but he doesn't know that real Luca. He hasn't known Luca for as long as I have and it takes years to know the real him.

Luca doesn't tell anyone his problems...

He never has. It's taken me years of following him about and quizzing him to find out everything I know now.

I know that he wants to be strong but I'm scared that he's not looking out for himself.

Brandon said a lot of things and I know that most of them are lies but this one thing has just caught my attention.

I don't want to believe that it's real but I can't help feel like it is...

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