Chapter Seventy-five

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I slam the breaks on causing Oliver, Rosa and Becky and scream as we jolt.

Luca stands in the road fuckin millimetres from me car bonet. I coulda killed him. What the fuck is he doin?

"Luca..." I yell as I leave me car but before I can say anythin else, that fucker Brandon slams Luca against the bonet of me car so hard Luca screams.

"If ya've hurt Jonny I swear I'll..."

"I ain't hurt him!" Luca shrieks buy Brandon ain't listenin. His face is close ta Luca's. Too close ta Luca's.

"Ya a piece of shit!" Brandon yells as he slams Luca down again. He screams again and I run forward ta save him. I grab Brandon and drag him off of Luca and shove him away. I punch him hard and go ta do it again but Oliver stops me.

"Calm down." He tells me but I can't calm down.

"If ya ever touch Luca I'll murder ya!" I bellow at him but he don't seem fazed.

"Ya wanna bet?" He snarls.

"Boy! Calm the fuck down!" Rosa snaps as her and Becky exit me car.

"Brandon, stay away from all of us or there will be consequences." Becky says sharply.

"An who the fuck are you?" He snarls at her but she don't flinch back like most ritch fuckers.

"I'm the daughter of the ritches man in this city and I'll tell you now, he possesses a lot of power. If you go near any of us again you will be thrown in prison for a very long time." She threatens her voice stern and filled with power

"Ya can't do that." Brandon snaps an I go ta punch him again but Oliver stops me.

"I have more money then you can count Brandon, I can do anything I want. Besides, you've punched my best friend who my father adores and tormented my friend Luca who is too sweet to tell you just how disgusting you really are. Do us all a favour and fuck off!" She says calmly.

Brandon spits at her but then leaves before Rosa can punch him stupid. I turn ta Luca who's standing behind me with a strange expression on his face. James stands beside him with a fuckin nasty looking bruise on his face. The type I normally see on Luca after a bad run in with his old man.

"D'ya think he'll come back?" Luca asks me and I shake me head.

"Nah, Becky's pretty badass." I state and he nods slowly before turning ta James and sighing loudly. Luca's too young ta be this tired with life. He should be ready ta take the world by storm but instead he's only scrappin by alive.

"I'm sorry he hurt ya." He says ta James but James shakes his head before hugging Luca tightly.

"He hurt you more." He tells him softly. I didn't like James because he was rich. What would a rich boy want with a street kid like Luca? I didn trust him but I see that he ain't that shitty. He looks after Luca and that's all I want.

"You were so fuckin cool. I wish I'd filmed that!" Rosa exclaims before she pretty much snoggs Becky like we ain't all fuckin standin here.

"You fought well." Oliver tells me as he hugs me arm and gazes up at me.

"I ain't that good though am I? Shit still went down." I say but Oliver only shurgs.

"You can't solve everything on your own." He says simply and I smile at how wise he is for such a small and sweet boy.

"Who's Jonny?" James asks Luca and I turn ta listen in. Who the fuck is Jonny?

"Brandon's brother. Brandon loves him but he hates Brandon. He likes me though. Fuckin too much if ta ask me." He explains and I raise an eyebrow.

"How old?" I ask and Luca glares at me.

"Me age." He snaps and I laugh.

"Ya finally know someone ya age." I say and he hits me harder then I think he ment ta.

"Oliver's me age." He states.

"I'm actually eleven months older then you." Oliver states and he rolls his eyes like it don't matter.

"Ain't the point. Brandon basically got pissed because he thought I'd hurt his bro because I'm a heartless fucker." Luca explains cooly and I sigh.

"Don't ya wanna live ta ya fifteenth birthday?" I ask and he shakes his head. He's either tellin me not ta talk about his b-day or sayin that he don't wanna live.

"When is your birthday?" James asks him.

"Fifteenth of December." I tell him before Luca can just brush it off.

He's gonna celebrate whether he likes it or not.

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