Chapter Sixty-five

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My parents know about Luca and I. They didn't freak out which is good but they seem slightly uncomfortable with the fact. They look at Luca in a way that makes my blood boil. It's like they're thinking "Is this it?".

We wait for the police to arrive in an awkward silence. I had to explain to my parents that it was a homophobic attack which involved coming out to them. Luca tried to save me the nerves by saying the attack was his fault due to some history he had with the attackers but I couldn't let him take the blame for something that wasn't his fault.

Luca sits next to me on the sofa oblivious to the looks my parents are giving him. He's nothing to them and I hate it. They see him as a trouble maker and an inconvenience. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it despite the fact he doesn't appear to need comforting.

Nerves fill me up to the point where it's becoming hard to breath. We'll have to relive the whole terrifying ordeal so the police can catch the criminals and I'm petrified that I'll get something wrong or miss something out. I've never spoken to the police before about a problem where I'm the victim. I'm scared but I have to do this for me and for Luca.

I know that if Luca had his own way the police wouldn't be involved. Brandon tried to stab him once and he just brushed it off like it was nothing. I'm starting to worry about his sense of self preservation.

A sharp knock on the door rings through the house and my mother jumps to her feet to answer it. My father also stands and glances at me like he doesn't know what to say.

They look at me like I'm a stranger now instead of their son that they've known for sixteen years. I am the same person yet to them I'm a complete stranger. My sexuality is a small part of me yet it's all either of them can see now.

"I'll see you soon James." My farther finally says before he leaves the room. We've already decided that my parents aren't going to be in the room when the police are here. I think it would be less awkward and easer to talk openly that way.

"I'll see you later James." My mother says softly as she pokes her head around the door before disappearing. A police office enters the lounge but pauses in the doorway as he spies Luca.

"I should have known." He grumbles and Luca pouts. I smile as I recognize the office from the day Luca got arrested. He's the one that was arguing with Luca and appeared to already know him.

The officer sits down and looks at me sympathetically. It's clear that he's already heard a brief overview of the story from my mother and doesn't agree with the attackers at all.

"How are you James?" He asks me kindly and some of the tension leaves my body. He seems like a pretty nice person.

"Okay thank you." I tell him and he nods.

"I'm Office Garrett." He says introducing himslef and Luca sniff in annoyance.

"Ya never asked how I am." He states and Officer Garrett rolls his eyes. I wonder when Luca developed the courage to speak to police officers like they're equals.

"You're always in fights. You're fine." Office Garrett states looking fed up with Luca already.

"Rude." Luca sniffs as he folds his arms and turns away like a child having a temper tantrum.

"So, would it be alright if you talked me through the events of yesterday?" He asks ignoring Luca and I nod.

"Of course." I say and he nods before taking out a recording device and pressing play.

"If it ever gets too much just say." He tells us and I nod. "Right, when ever you're ready." He say and I start to explain.

My heart races in my chest as I remember how they managed to herd us into that narrow alleyway and tears form in my eyes as I remember the sound of Luca grunting when he took a hit to the stomach for me.

Words flow from my mouth like a never ending stream and not once does Officer Garrett inturupt me. Luca stays silent as well for a change like he's daydreaming. I wonder what he thinks about.

"And that's all that happened." I finish and he nods. I told him about our ingures leaving out the part about the self inflicted wounds covering Luca's arms. I still haven't mentioned it to Luca yet and I'm not sure how to. He needs help but I don't know how to give it to him.

"Do you remember anything about their appearances?" Officer Garrett asks but I shake my head in dismay.

"No, sorry. They were wearing hoods." I say and he nods.

"One had a scar on his cheek and another had a tattoo on his arm." Luca says and I stare at him surprise.

"You said their were five attackers James." Officer Garrett states and I nod. "Did you pick out any distince ferures on the other three?" He asks turning to Luca.

"One was blind in an eye. Another has four fingers on one hand and the last has a fuckin awful moustache." Luca recalls like it's nothing and Officer Garrett jots it all down.

"How do you remember that? You sustained a head injury." I ask him and he shrugs like it's nothing.

"I remember everyone who pisses me off." He says and I smile at him. He's smarter then he gives himself credit for .

"We still have little to go on but we'll check the security cameras in the area to see if we can catch anything. This is a serious offence and it will be dealt with I assure you." Officer Garrett tells us and I nod in thanks.

"Cheers Garrett. Ya words put me mind as ease." Luca scoffs and Officer Garrett growls in annoyance.

"Are you trying to get yourself arrested again?" He asks Luca and Luca looks away from him like he's trying to avoid the question.

Wait... Is Luca trying to get arrested?

"Do either of you have any questions about this?" Office Garrett asks shifting the subject away from Luca's motives.

"Are ya actually gonna catch the thugs that did this?" Luca asks angrily. He's snapped again like he always does. Luca's temper appears to be something he loses often.

"We're going to try."

"That ain't fuckin good enough. I want those fuckers ta hurt for what they did ta James. I'll hunt them down myself and if I find em, I'll kill em." He snarls aggressively.

"You're a child. You can't do anything." He says but Luca shakes his head.

"Ya know perfectly well what I can do." Luca says darkly and Officer Garrett nods appearing unfazed.

"I do. I've seen how cold and phycopathic you can be Luca but I still am not afraid of you." Officer Garrett says calmly and Luca frowns.

"Ya should be." He mutters.

"Why? Because you're afraid of yourself? Because you're afraid by the fact you hurt people and yet feel nothing?" He asks and Luca pales.

"Shut up." He grumbles and Officer Garrett does but I think it's more for Luca's sake then his own. I take Luca's hand in mine and hold it tightly to show him that I'm here and that I still love him despite what he can become.

I will always love him.

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