Authors Note

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First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who's read this. I understand that this story is a large commitment to read due to the length and that's mainly because I never had a plan so thank you. I also understand that the writing may not be the best I've done due to this starting out as a project for a bit of fun.

The support from every time the reader count goes up truly makes me smile (which sounds lame but is true). I want you all to know that I appreciate you staying and putting up with my story.

This story was inspired by a geography lesson I once had on social inequality in cities. I thought about the rich people with their prestigious schools and bright futures and I thought about the stereotypical people from the poorer areas. The idea of this story was to bring those two world together and show the many struggles young people may face.

Romance is really not my genre! I enjoy writing action and fantasy the most and I've began writing an apocalypse story. This story is actually planned out and shouldn't be as long and repetitive as this one. It'll take a little while for me to upload since I want to finish and edit it before showing it to the public which is a mistake I made with not doing for this story.

Once again I want to say thank you and wish you all a lovely life. Your support is my everything. :)

- InsideSunshine.

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