Chapter Twenty-two

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I lean against the wall me skateboard under me arm. I look down the street towards James house and roll my eyes. Of course, he's gonna be late. He's probably fussin' with his dumb hair or somethin'.

My phone buzzes and I take it out hopin' it's from James but it's from Seb instead.

Remember ya got work later

Fuck off Seb

I mute Seb on my phone (wish I could mute him in real life) and turn back to James's house to see him rushin' out the door.

"Sorry, I had to explain to my parents what I was doing and where I was going." He tells me and I laugh at that.

"Ya so strange." I tell him and he smiles. He notices me skateboard and his eyes go wide.

"The wheels fixed!" He exclaims and I nod.

"Yeah, I fixed it when I got back from our lunch." I tell him and he stares at me in disbelief.

"Really? I don't believe it." He teases and I smile.

"You betta' believe it. It took me a whole fuckin' hour to find a spare wheel." I tells him and he laughs.

We start to head to the park. He walks and I use me skateboard. He watches me with a strange look in his eye and his cheeks are red.

"What?" I ask and he looks around awkwardly.

"You should really wear a helmet." He says and I snort.

"Fuck that. Helmets are for lossers." I tell him but he shakes his head stubbornly.

"Your more of a looser when your heads split open." He states and I groan at his annoyance.

"Whatever." I grumble as I skate ahead  a little.

"Why don't you go to school?" He suddenly asks me and I turn back to look at him. One of the many things I've learnt about James is that he's always in someone else's fucking business.

"S'pointless." I tell him. "Why do ya go ta school?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I just do. I like learning and I'm highest in my classes so what's not to like?" He explains and I roll me eyes.

"Everythin'. The teachers are stricked, the work's pointless and everyone there is a piece of shit." I tell him and he frowns.

"I'm guessing that we went to two very different schools." James says and his tone is sorta sad.

"Well duh! Ya go to a fancy school for rich kids and I don't." I point out and he nods.

"I guess." He says before we fall into silence.

This boy is so fuckin weird but maybe I sorta like that?

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