Chapter Seventy-one

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I smile at Luca trying to hide the fact that I have noticed he has more bruises then he did when he left mine yesterday.

"Ya came." He says as he waves a carrot at me. I laugh and he beams before places the carrot down.

"Of course I came." I state and he smiles before frowning.

"What's up?" He asks me.

"I got this message from someone at school." I start and his frown deepens.

"Is someone being a dick?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No. It's just, theirs this club for sixteen and ups and the whole year is going to party their next weekend before the winter holiday." I explain and he smirks like this is all funny to him.

"Ya don't wanna go but... ya said ya would." He says and I nod thankful that he read my mind instead of having to admit that.

"I don't know what to do." I whine.

"I could go with you." He suggests but I shake my head firmly.

"You're too young." I say and he sighs.

"Knew I shouldn't have said me age." He mutters and I raise an eyebrow at him. When I saw myself falling in love this is not what I had in mind. I never pictured even caring for someone like Luca but that's all changed now. I understand more now and I'm happy that our paths crossed.

"It'll be fine. I just might end up leaving early so be prepared to get a call from me." I tell him and he nods.

"What time do ya have ta be there?" He asks and I can't help but smile at how he's trying to help me with this.

"The party starts at seven and everyone should be gone around two in the morning." I say and he frowns.

"Are ya parents okay with that?" He asks as he reorganises a display of tomatoes. Luca is surprisingly good at working here. He seems happier too then he did when he had all those other jobs. Well, he hasn't gotten fired yet so that has to be something.

"Sort of. I told them about how everyone was treating me at school when I told them about this so I think they want me to try and rebuild my reputation so I don't get bullied again." I explain hating the fact that I have to admit to being so weak. Luca wouldn't let bullying bother him. He's probably used to it by now.

I watch the boy I love sort through boxes and count stock getting some numbers wrong and pausing to try and remember them.

"What do you like?" I ask him randomly and he frowned.

"What d'ya mean?" He asks looking away from the leaks he's counting to watch me curiously.

"We'll, since you're not in education, what do you like doing? What do you want to when when you're older?" I ask him and he frowns like he's thinking really hard about it.

"When I was little I wanted ta be in a rock band." He states looking away like he's embarrassed by his dream. I smile at him. That idea just seems so Luca.

"What about now?" I ask.

"What about today?" He says back and I raise an eyebrow. He raises one back and sighs. "What about now... It's a song by Westlife. Surly ya know it." He says and I shake my head.

"I've never heard of it." I say earnestly and he shrugs.

"Your loss." He says turning back to the leaks. He counts a few more before turning back to me. "What we talkin bout again?" He asks and I smile at how scatter brained he is.

"What do you want to do when you're older?" I ask and he nods like he remembers the conversation.

"Dunno. I like skateboardin I guess." He says before pausing. "Can ya make money from that?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah." I tell him and he smiles sadly.

"Shame I sold me board then ain't it." He says sadly as he grabs an empty box from a shelf and carries it to the till. I follow him trying to find something to say.

"Why would you sell it?" I ask him as he brings out a fresh box of vegetables from the back and stacks it onto another shelf.

"Needed money. Not that it got me much." He states and I frown.

"You loved that board." I say as I remember the time he tried to teach me how to skateboard. He loved the board he rode on and he loved skating yet he gave it all away because he needs money. He traded his happiness for something partical.

"Was just a board. I'll get over it." He tells me and I frown.

"Even so." I say but he shakes his head.

"James, it's fine. Let it go." He says and I nod even though in not willing to let it go. I'm not willing to hear Luca give up on the thing he loves and I'm not willing to just stand here and do nothing.

I'm Luca's boyfriend and I'll fix this.

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