Chapter Thirty-two

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I keep glancing at Luca as we walk. He was almost stabbed yet he seems so relaxed like it doesn't faze him.

"Are you sure your okay?" I ask him and he nods.

"I'm a fucking skateboarder James. I've been knocked out more times then ya had birthdays." He says coolly. I know that he's trying to stop me from worrying but I just end up worry more. He's so reckless and I just don't want him to get hurt.

It's weird since I haven't really know Luca very long. We've known about each other existence for a while now but that's nothing compared to Becky and I's time together. I went from wanting to hate Luca to pretty much loving him in only a month which must mean something.

"What ya thinkin 'bout?" Luca asks as he taps the side of my head snapping me back to reality.

"Just some stuff." I tell him and he nods.

"Good stuff?" He questions and I smile at him before nodding.

"Yes, good stuff." I reasure him and he smiles at me. I instantly frown when he smiles. One of his teeth is missing. It's not too near the front to notice when he's talking but it's extreamly noticeable when he smiles.

"What?" He asks as he registers my frown.

"Your missing a tooth." I tell him and he nods.

"Probably lost it in me fright with fucking Brandon. Guess I swallowed it." He says with a shrug. The throught makes my blood boil. I've never met Brandon but I really hate him.

"I've never swallowed a tooth." I tell him which makes him smile again like he's revisiting a memory.

"I have. I was seven at the time and super scared. Thought I was gonna die ya know? Seb explained that it was normal and made me feel better. I stayed with him and Garry that night since I had been so scared." He says with a large grin on his face.

The thought of seven year old Luca makes me smile. Most children seem innocent but I bet he wasn't. I bet he swore like he does now. Luca is so different from me so I'm guessing he had a different up brining. I wonder what his childhood was like?

"I'm glad your okay." I tell him even though it's random from the converistaion we're having.

"From swallowing a tooth?" He asks with a complexed look on his face. I chuckle but shake my head.

"No, I'm glade your okay after Brandon's attack." I tell him and he nods, now understanding my previous statement.

"I'm always okay." He says and somehow that seems the truth. Of course I know that it's impossible for someone to always be okay, but Luca just seems invincible.

"I'm glad to hear that." I say and he smiles.

"Good." He pauses for a second like he's thinking over something in his head before speaking again. "I'm always here if ya need me. Ya know that right?" He asks and I nod.

"The same to you." I tell him.


"What's the family emergency?" I ask as I shut the front door behind me. I turn to see my mother standing in the hallway watching me with a large smile on her face.

"We have a surprise for you." She says softly which makes me feel excited all of a sudden.

I follow her into the lounge and gasp when I see my grandmother and grandfather sitting on the sofa smiling up at me.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" I exclaims as I throw my arms around them both and they both start to laugh which makes my heart flutter with happiness.

My grandparents have always been the most special people in my life (sorry mother and father). They have always been there and they just appear so wise even though my mum says that they're not as clever as her or dad.

My grandparents were farmers before retiring and even though I've never been an outdoorsy person I use to love spending time on the farm with then. We used to play hide and seek and I used to help them out with planting and harvesting. My parents were never too happy since they never wanted me to become too fond of farming and want to pursue that instead of some sort of high payed and high skilled job. To be honest, I don't see anything wrong with farming but I guess my parents just always wanted me to be something greater.

"We're so proud of you James. Your parents have told us about how well your doing in your studies." My grandmother says and I beam at her.

"Thank you" I say and they both smile.

"So James... Do you have a girlfriend?" My grandfather asks and I instantly freeze. The room falls silent and it's clear that my parents are listening, hoping that the answer is yes. I sigh and then shake my head.

"No." I say not wanting to bring up Luca. I don't really think my family is ready for Luca. To be honest, I don't really think that the world is ready for Luca.

"Well, when the right girl comes, you'll know about it." He says softly and I nod, no longer feeling the happiness I did a second a go.

Is this how it's going to be from now on? Constantly having to hide that fact that I'm dating a boy and above all that the boy is Luca. I meant it when I said that I wasn't ashamed of him but I just don't really think he's the sort of person that my family are ready to accept.

I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm just being paranoid?


I look up from my homework when I hear the nock on my bedroom door.

"James, can we please come in?" My grandmother's voice sounds from behind the strong wooden door.

"Of course." I call. The door opens and both of my grandparents walk in. They close the door behind them with a satisfying click and then sit on my bed. I turn away from my homework and face then, waiting to hear what they have to say.

"We don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, it's just... You seemed off after the question about a girlfriend." My grandfather states and I sigh knowing that it's the truth.

"Yes, I did feel a bit off." I say earnestly and they both nod.

"Is that because you have a boyfriend?" My grandmother asks and I stare at them in surprise.

"A... A boyfriend?" I stammer nervously and they both nod.

"It's perfectly normal to be attracted to the same gender James." My grandfather reasures me and I slowly nod feeling slightly sick.

"I just don't understand what's happening to me." I say earnestly and they both smile sympathetically.

"Many people feel that way James. This is nothing to be ashamed of." My grandmother says softly and I sigh.

"Please don't tell my parents." I say and they both nod.

"Of course, it's your thing to tell not ours." My grandfather says and I smile at that.

"So... Tell us all about him." My grandmother says and I do. I tell them everything because for once I feel like I really can talk to a member of my family about this.

As each word leaves my mouth I start to feel better about myself.

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