Chapter Eighteen

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I glance at him and roll me eyes when I see that he's starin' at me.

"What?" I ask before I shove another chip into my mouth.

"Nothing. I just didn't expect you to be like this." He says and I raise me eyebrow.

"Like what?" I ask and he sighs. I look at him and take in how he looks. His dark skin and his hair that shines in the sun. He looks perfect which is strange. I never thought perfect was a thing. Why does he get to be fucking prefect when I ain't?

"Well, when I first met you, you had broken into my home." He says and I sigh. I still ain't got money to pay that fucking rent. I shouldn' be here I should be gettin' work but I can't. I'm too stupid to work.

"Sorry." I mumble feelin' stupid. Me old man is gonna be so pissed off is I don' have the rent money by the end of the month. I shouldn be here I should be searching for work but for once I just wanna be able to do normal teenage stuff. I just wanna have some fun.

"Is everything okay?" James asks snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah, all good." I tell him.

We start chatting about something different and it turns out James is actually a nice guy. He tells me about his best friend Becky and about school. I tell him about Rosa, Seb, Oliver and the skate park. We're very different but we seem to fit and it's weird I guess. I don' think I've ever spoken to anyone the way I speak to him.

Me phone starts to ring interrupting him tellin me 'bout his mock exams. It takes me three attempts to answer thanks to the fucked up screen.

"What the fuck do you want Seb?" I ask and he grumbles something that I can't quiet here.

"Where are ya?" He asks me and I groan. Why'd he have to act all protective like. I'm just havin' some fun.

"None of ya business." I tell him. James is givin' me a funny look but I choose to ignore him.

"Luca, where the fuck are ya?" He asks again and I growl feelin' pissed off.

"Like I said, it ain't any of ya business!" I yell. I know he cares but it just annoys me. I ain't a child and I don't need him constantly looking out for me. I love Seb since he's like a big brother to me and has always cared but it makes me feel weak. Like he thinks I cant defend for meself.

"Is everything okay?" James asks me and I nod.

"Are ya with someone?" Seb asks and I sigh. He must have heard James.

"So what if I am?" I challenge and he growls.

"I'm comin' to get ya." He says.

"What! No don'!" I yell angrily. I hate how he treats me like I cant tell who's good or bad. I've made mistakes before and paid for them but that's no reason he should act like this!

I raise my phone ready to smash the fucking thing into the ground but James dives on me grabbing my wrist. His face is close me mine and I think he starts to blush.

I stare into his eyes ignoring Sebs muffled voice from me phone. James stares back at me eyes wide.

Is it weird that I like him being so close?

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