Chapter Eighty-two

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I dream.

I dream of bein back at the fuckin house with me fuckin parents. I dream of the argument we had and the bottle smashin inta me head.

I dream of dying.

Then I wake up and see that James is here with me still. He ain't left just like he promised.

A woman's here too and she is actin sorta strange. She reads off monitors and then tries ta shine a fuckin light in my eyes. I grab her wrist and shove her away as me heart hammers in me chest.

"It's alright. She's just checkin you over." James tells me and I believe him because he's always true.

"Is it okay for me to proceed?" The doctor asks and I nod.

"Knock yaself out." I mummble and she nods.


"I don't wanna chat ta the fuckin police!" I yell at the officers in the room. They just watch my sympathetically like I'm sick or somethin which I'm not.

"All we want to know is what happened?" A woman asks and I shake me head.

"What? So ya can do fuck all bout it? So ya can laugh bout it at the station? Another worthless kid with a worthless life!" I yell causin the world ta spin. I flop against me pillow and stare at the ceilin as I wait for everythin ta go back ta normal.

"Are you alright Luca?" Garrett asks from the doorway and both the cops turn ta look at him.

"Garrett, you have no reason in being here." A man says but Garrett shakes his head.

"I've spoken with Luca before so I know him. Let me try." Garrett says and I furrow me eyebrows at the concern in his voice.

"You have no right being here."

"And you have no right harassing a child who has clearly been through enough already." Garrett snaps back and I stare at him with disbelief.

"Garrett you have to leave."

"I wanna talk ta him instead." I tell them and everyone turns back ta me.

"I'm afraid you don't get to make that decision."

"Well, I'm afraid ya don't get ya explanation." I snap as I rub my face with me hand. Garrett enters the room and grabs me writs ta stop me.

"You're only going to make it hurt more if you keep touching it." He tells me and I rip my arm away.

"Whatever." I grumble but I don't touch it again.

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