Chapter Forty-three

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I walk into school for the first day of year eleven with my head held high. This is my last school year so I'm going to enjoy it.

I smile when I feel my phone buzz knowing that it's a message from Luca.

Good luck at school

I slide my phone back into my pocket with a small smile and then start to head down the hallway to my first lesson.

Why is everyone staring at me?

Groups of people stop talking when they see me and start to whisper. They point and some even laugh. Most have a disgusted look on their face which makes me feel sick.

Someone graps my arm and I spin around to see Becky standing there with an alarmed look on her face.

"Follow me." She says before she pulls me out of the building and behind the canteen.

"What's going on?" I ask her feeling alarmed by the sudden change in everything.

She pulls out her phone from her pocket and opens her up social media. I'm not allowed social media since my parents are freaked out by the idea of me talking to strangers.

Becky goes on Darren Westerns account and clicks on one of the most resent posts. She shoves her phone into my face and everything stops...

It's a photo of Luca and I kissing!

"He has the highest following in the school James. Everyone's seen it." Becky tells me grimly. I want to scream or run away from this nightmare but my body won't move.

Everything inside of me breaks. I want to cry but no tears come. I want to...

I want to...

I don't know what I want to do. Everything is so unreal right now that I feel like this is just a nightmare.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of liking a boy." Becky tells me but I shake my head.

"It's not just that though is it? If it was just a boy then maybe everything would be slightly better!" I snap at her not being able to control the mess of emotions that rip me apart inside.

"What do you mean?" She asks sounding puzzled.

"It's Luca! He's of a complete different social level!" I yell and Becky looks taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"That doesn't matter. Besides, you love Luca, that's all that matters." She tells me. My yelling has alerted people of my whereabouts. People from my year group and even some others are starting to gather to hear what I have to say.

I chew on my lip as I cycle through my options. If I run away they'll know that the rumour is true. There's photographic prof that I kissed Luca so I can't really deny is either.

I'm sorry Luca.

"Yes, I did kiss that boy. I was dared by my older cousin to kiss the ugliest person in the park." I say loudly and as proudly as I can. I turn to look at Becky but she's gone.

People in the crowd start to whisper and then cheer and laugh. They all believe what I said yet I feel like I'm losing.

"Never thought you had it in you." Tiffany calls with a wide smile on her face. I smile and nod.

"Well, I did get twenty-five pound for it." I tell them.

"I'd ask for more to kiss that boy." Someone says and the whole crowd starts to laugh again. I laugh along for show but inside I'm screaming.

How can they all say this stuff about Luca when they haven't ever met him? How can I say this stuff about Luca when I'm his boyfriend?


"Becky, where did you go earlier?" I ask her as I sit down on our bench next to her. She turns her head away and continues eating like I haven't said anything.

I tilt my head to one side in confusion as I wait another minute for her to reply. Finally she sighs and turns back to me.

"I don't like being around people who are ashamed of the people they're said to be dating." She states coldly.

"I'm not ashamed of Luca." I tell her but she shakes her head.

"You told me that this whole thing was a problem because it is Luca. You told everyone that you kissed the ugliest person in the park." She reminds me with a harsh tone.

"I just had to make them believe that I didn't like him." I reasure her. She sighs and then stands up.

"Yes, because your ashamed of him." She spits aggressively.

I've never seen Becky like this. She's normal so full of happines that this cold and aggressive side of her is alien.

"How would you recat if Luca had heard all of that?" She snaps as she looks down at me. Her usual warm eyes are cold and unforgiving and her smile is flat and filled with rage.

"He didn't hear it though so it's okay." I tell her but she shakes her head.

"I recorded the whole thing and sent it to Rosa. It's up to her if he sees it or not." She tells me.

I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart. Becky is my best friend get she's betrayed me. If Luca sees that then he'll get the wrong idea and think that I'm just like Brandon.

"Why would you do that?" I ask.

"Because I know a bit of what Luca's been through and I think he deserves to know that your ashamed of him." She snaps before she turns away and storms off. I watch her go not knowing what to say.

I didn't mean anything to hurt Luca. I just need to keep my reputation up at school. I refuse to let people laugh at me and ruin my last year.

Also, if this rumor continues then it could find it's way to my parents ears. I can't have them finding out about Luca and I. Not just yet anyway.

The way they looked at Luca when he brought me home to them was enough to say that he wasn't welcome in their world. I really like Luca and I would never hurt him on purpose but I just can't let things here get out of control.

I'm sorry Luca, I hope you never see that video...

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