Chapter Thirty-six

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Rosa smiles at me as I pass her an ice-cream and I smile back.

"Ya didn't have ta get me an ice-cream ya know?" She states and I nod.

"I know... But I wanted to." I tell her and she smiles. She leans over and kisses me generally on the cheek causing me to bluch.

"Thank you." She says before we start to walk and eat our ice-cream.

Rosa and I have been dating for two weeks and I don't regret a thing. After I first met her I knew that something was wrong with me since I felt so high on life but now I know. I saw her a couple days later when I was spying on James and we decided to exchange numbers. After that we became super close and now we're dating.

Well, the stories a little more complicated then that but that's the basic outline.

I haven't told my dad yet I don't really plan to. I know that he won't understand and I just don't think I'm ready for him to reject me and who I really am. I know that my mum would understand but she's gone so her opinion doesn't count.

My mum was such a great woman. Even though she's been dead for two years now I still hope that she'll come back. I still hope that all of this is just some horrid nightmare and that I'll wake up any minute now.

To be honest, I don't really want to wake up right now since I love spending time with Rosa.

Rosa has helped me a lot and I've even taken her to see my mum's grave. She brought rose's which was nice and it seemed so unique and special to be able to share all of that with her. She's seen me cry yet she still stands next to me and I really appreciate that.

"What ya thinking?" Rosa asks me as we both sit down on a bench.

"That I'm extreamly lucky to have someone like you." I tell her and she smiles which causes me to blush. I resume eating my vanilla ice-cream and she laughs before resums eating her bubblegum flavored.

"Not as lucky as I am. Trust me, my only friends are boys and as much as I love em they can be super annoyin." She tells me and I nod in understanding.

"Yeah, my best friend is a boy. Well, at least I think that he's my best friend, I haven't actually spoken to him outside of school in ages. I'm sort of scared that now that it's the holidays, he's not going to see me." I admit and she smiles the sort of smile that implies that she knows something I don't.

"He's probably just occupied at the moment with something. I'm sure he'll talk to you as soon as he can." She reasures me and I nod.

"I guess." I mummble. James and I have always been so close so the thought of us growing apart hurts. I know that we've both changed (I have a girlfriend now!) but I still want to be his best friend.

"Ya really don't have ta worry Becky." Rosa tells me as she places her hand on my shoulder and I sigh.

"I know. It's just that James was always there after my mum died. He's always been my safe place when stuff gets tough." I explain and Rosa nods like she understanding.

"Me mates are like that with me. I've never really gotten on with me mum but no matter what happens I know that they're always gonna be there for me." She says and I frown at the thought of her struggling and feeling low.

"I'm sorry Rosa, I didn't know that you don't have a great family relationship." I tell her but she shrugs it off like it doesn't bother her.

"It's chill. My dad ran away when I was little leavin me and my mum behind. She always blamed me for it so we argue a tone. She's never hit me though if that's what your wondering." She tells me and I let out a small sigh at the relief of know that Rosa is in a safe environment.

"That must be rough." I tell her but she shrugs it off again.

"Nah, ya have is rough with all the pressure from ya dad. At least me mum understands that I ain't gonna be anythin great." She states and that hurts me. The thought of her feeling like she doesn't matter in the world.

"You never know. You might be the richest person to ever live in this city in a few years time." I tell her and she smiles.



I sigh as I flop down onto my bed after my fiance lesson. My dad expects me to take over his business after he's gone but I just want to do what I want.

I pull my sketchbook out from underneath my bed and start to flick through it to find an empty page. Most of the pages are occupied with drawings of my mum but some are taken up with drawings from a fantasy comic I was thinking up.

A strong princess who was on a quest to save the king of dragons while fighting the evil magic folk that wanted to use the dragons for their own personal gain. The princess would go on to fall in love with a beautiful village girl and they'd save the dragon race together.

I have told anyone about my story because I feel like they'll just judge me for it. It's just my private little thing that I think of pretty much every hour of the day. Well, except when I'm thinking about Rosa which also happens a lot.

My phone pings, snapping me back to reality and out of the comfort of my daydream.

Hello Becky. How are you?

I can't help but smile at the message from James. He hasn't texted me in weeks and we haven't spoken outside of lessons. I want to tell him about Rosa and a bunch of other stuff but I just having had the moment.

I'm good thank you James. How are you?

I'm good thank you. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?

That sounds good. I'll see you then.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I'll be able to spend quality time with my best friend.

Maybe now I can tell him everything?

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