Chapter Sixteen

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What! The! Fuck!

Did he just fucking ask me out?

I stare at him blankly trying to figure out what the fuck I'm supposed to say.

"What the fuck?" I say and he looks at me awkwardly.

"I know I dont even know your name and you dont know mine but I figured that since you broke into my house I should get to know you." He explains and I just blink confused.

Wait, is he really asking me fucking out? I dont even know the guy. Well, I know that he seems to be a stalker but what the fuck is wrong with him?

"Not a date, just strangers in hope of becoming friends." He says and I nod still not getting it. This ain't what normal life goes like. This ain't how people become friends.

I became friends with Seb after he help me out in a fight (not that I needed help). I became friends with Oliver when I found him looking after a stray cat and decided to help him. I became friends with Rosa by helping her try and impress this girl at the skate park. No one makes friends like this.

Part of me wants to say yes and I'm guessing that's to make him shut the fuck up and leave me alone but the other part of me is saying that I should smash is perfect fucking face in.

Maybe I should call Seb? Seb would know what to do but do I really want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I need him? Nah, Seb ain't always gonna to be here to pick me up so I have to think about this.

"Sure. As long as you pay." I say and he smiles a fucking annoying smile. How can I say no to free food?

"Deal." He says and I have to suppress a smile for some fucking reason.

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